Something The Average Magic Being Can't See

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February 25, 2038, Seonghwa's View

'Um?" "Look it's..." "Juniper! Maddie!" "Loria!" Our bracelets appeared around our arms we laughed. "Best friends forever and ever the power of the celestial sisterhood always lives on when three friends are together!" We all laughed and hugged tightly "What the heck is going on?" "Queen Juila we oh my..." "Timyo what happened now?" He handed me a scroll and ran away screaming "Pff what the heck" Maddie says laughing "Hey that looks like the same paper my dad gave me" Maddie opened her bag and showed me. "Juniper what about you," I ask  "Elyies gave me this after we got married," June says "Loria it seems like yours was given to you by someone you trust in your world" "Maybe my Hongjoong" "Uhhhh...." "Girls" "Yeah" "Which one of you guys is that one belongs to?" We turned around it was James he stood there shocked to the core. "What the heck," He says "James" "Loria then who...oh my gosh you really are my Aloria" "You dumb music nerd of a husband I outta death noogie you where you stand how dare you no recognize your own wife" "Yeah you're for sure Aloria then what about the others?" "This is Juniper in her timeline she's married to a voice demon and this is Maddie she's married to you but you in her world are from the same my name era" "Oh whoa so why are they here? If there here that means their universes are possibly endangered of destruction" "Not really you see a mystery has appeared and Juniper and I believed that with Aloria's help, we would be able to solve it because my paper said the power" "Mines says of three shall..." "Loria" I flipped my piece of the map "Guide you towards what can't be seen by the average magic person in our world" 

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