Dangers Has Passed Through Part 3

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March 21, 2038, Hongjoong's View 

"I think I know who we should find" "You do" "Yeah" "Don't you dare create that parguio"

"I think I know who we should find" "You do" "Yeah" "Don't you dare  create that parguio"

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"How dare you think you can stop..." "I did nothing that's because I'm Queen of this world" "What?" The guy holds up his left hand his ring glows blue and the ring on my left hand glows yellow everyone's gaps. "What the..." "I told you people ever since my asescion there's no telling how many new forms I will have" "You're actually Queen Juila holly creak" "Now what were you about to do you know that you trying to make deals with other demons won't go through unless they get the okay from me" "You were the demon I was trying to summon" "Alright who do I need to put in their place?" "We need your help Loria" "Does it require me to be in my normal form?" "I don't think so" "Alright then because I'm actually enjoying this form" "Bring it in" "You sure" "Yeah"

"Tell me you guys didn't capture a darkness creature" "No it's actually..." "My book," Seonghwa says touching the book and whispering words "Alright well here we go" Seonghwa sighs "Jaeyio noyloio oxeyions atyiain" The book floats in the air the chains that were once around it were no longer there. "Geyion noyloio oxeyions atyiain" The book floats and glows red Seonghwa grabs the book. "Prove that you are worthy of holding the book of crimson and know any knowledge that this book holds heh easy King of Crimson, Number One Nightmare Ghost, King of Hell, obsidian code #456 King Park Antonios Hector Seytian Adoneuis Riles Aloria Lucien Seonghwa" The book suddenly spills ink vanishes and a folder was left there. "I do believe this belongs to you guys"

 "I do believe this belongs to you guys"

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"The book..." "Just vanished did you destroy it" "Heh why would I destroy my own creation you have no idea how happy I was to know that it was from the past," Seonghwa says chuckling handing me the folder "No I just had to get transported somewhere but I can do this..." Seonghwa held his hand out and looks at it. "Oeiho" The book was now in Seonghwa's hands he smirks. All eleven of his tails, horns, and fangs appear his eyes were now black with roses of blue in them. "Oh gosh," The doors opened two people stood there then bowed. "Lord Ariteuias forgive us but we have a problem locating Joyhioas and her siblings' parents" "What did they do?" "Just causing trouble in The Ghost Realm we have to locate their parents" "Well you're speaking to their mother right now" "What," They both say "You heard me," Seonghwa says folding his arms "Joyhioas, Jacob, Rudith, Adrien, Maya, and Castalia are my kids you have ten seconds to speak before I cause you constant pain to...good they're gone no..what?" "We have more kids" "Lost souls from eons ago," Seonghwa says softly "They were brought into this world to get a second chance at living but the life they now live they had no one so I took them up as my kids if I didn't they would've probably tried to end their lives and then this pain cycle of there's would just continue on and on until they can find happiness" "But that isn't the case because they're happiness is you" "Yeah"

"Uhhhh okay sure" We hear one of the guards say The door opened several kids walked in. "We...Mom!" They all hugged Seonghwa the little one tried to walk towards when she got close Seonghwa picked her up and kissed her forehead multiple times. "We caused a paintball war and we broke some of the buildings in the process,"  Adrien says "But we built them back up," Rudith says "Not all of us" "Yes we did Maya" "Castalia only ate up all of those fruits that were covered in chocolate" Seonghwa laughs "You guys wanna meet someone" "Ooh more friends and loved ones" "This one is a big loved one it's your father and he's standing right there" "Dad!!"

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