Spring Would Last Forever

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Hongjoong now has his arms tightly around me I giggled. "Hon I'm not going anywhere thank you for saving me and now to answer you Jowoon the case has slightly opened any type of air that is felt can give one the ability to use their magic" "Ohhhhhh I get it now" "And since I opened it by some little you were able to go into your normal form which meant you were no longer trapped" "Yep" "Wait but how did they place you in a case" "They must've used magic to create an unbreakable fower case maybe people can't really touch flowers because there' no dealing if the flower will cause you harm" "Ohhh I see" "Loria" I once kissed my husband on his lips "I'll be fine Hongjoong" "Hongjoong we're reaching Crestmore now" "Oooo so you guys stole things for The Great Hoens" "No it was Dad he got us to join him because he said he would be like we're actual pirates" I laughed then looked at them at all I smiled. "You know when you think about you boys did save me" "How" "You gave your Dad enough time for him to look around to see what he actually wanted to keep" I looked back at Hongjoong and smiled. "And it turns he got to keep his wife forever and ever" "Stopppp" "Chinghae!"

"Hongjoong-Hyung it be okay Teni-Unnie is safe" "No" I giggled and looked around at the venue place it was quite pretty. "This place seems like a nice place to have a spring mini-concert at, make sandwhcihes of sorts, have diasy honey leonade or tea, Yuikeos" "WHat are Yuikeos?" "There like oreos but there incased into three layers of frosting or melted chocolate, some people even use marshmallows" "Ooooo" "Why not we do that" "Yeah we can sing some of our gentle songs and even ones we wrote together" 'Yeah but once words gets around some people are going to show up" "Yeah and this place is like part of a neighborhood people would think it would be like a celebration of eater or something" "This place is big enough for a concert we can sell ticket for like $10 and everything else would be 1 to 5 dollars" "And if we do it for easter we can invite our family or we get buy plane tickets to those in our family that don't live in Korea" Our staff was writing everything we said down well it looks like aside from my birthday the springtime would be a memory that will literally forever stick with us"  

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