Will We Ever Find Out The Meaning Of The Bracelets

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May 12, 2038, Seonghwa's View

"Demyiorth?" I looked around this was his office maybe the answer is here oh a blank board. "You guys too alri...Aloria?!" "Hello Demyiorth" "I can try looking through my castle" "Don't strain yourself" He held onto my hands and we walked around with the piece of the artifact we have now. "Wait I know this it's the place you used to paint here" "I'm still here and there" "Maybe the artifact broke when we kissed" "I would've realized it which means this broke in our first life once we died during that war" "Yeah" "There it's" We placed them together they became bracelets a wolf and a lion. "Whoa that's kinda cool but you're definitely the wolf Adoneuis" "Hehe yeah and you're my Leo" "Hahahha" "A time will come when we have to use the bracelets so we should keep them on" "I agree oh we should go now our idol duties will start soon"

"They've been together" "Who" "Look" "Whoa and they're even dressed like us too" "Maybe they had king and queen duties" "Gross paperwork" "Hahhahha" "Did something happen?" "Why oh" I didn't let go of him at all I got bad senses from something and I'm just afraid of losing him. "You still must be shaken up from what yesterday with the demon seal," Hongjoong says "Kinda but it's what happened last night," I say  "Tell me when we get home," Hongjoong says "It was a kingdom they were crying for their ruler to help them and I don't know if their ruler is a female or male or anything or a memory of the past like it's someone else's memories and I'm seeing because maybe it was family member's memory"

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