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Back at Y/N's POV (present)

"You punched him?!" I shouted at E/N as he laughed, "No need to worry about him" he says "he probably isnt even alive right now" he adds as he laughs manically! "You're crazy!" I shout and he just smiles.

I turn my back and start to walk away,

"Can we do what we planned to do now? Since you dont have a boyfriend anymore..." E/N asks as you walk away.

"No! You're a criminal! A killer!"

You shout and start walking away faster.

E/N stops smiling in dissatisfaction,

You walk out of the school building, drop your stuff home and start to look around for BF/N. You look around your neighborhood and then the neighborhoods close to you but there is no sign of him anywhere... You decide to search the dark alleys that people always stay out of. You wander around the alleys with your phone's flashlight, its very dark so you cant really see without it. Your hope starts to fade and you start to walk back home.

You see E/N waiting at your house's entrance:

"What do you want?"

"Princess, he was nothing special anyway! Why do you care?!"

"He was my BF/N! Believe it or not but I loved him!"

"That wasn't the deal when we were in detention! You liked me! Admit it!"

We both kept shouting at eachother...

You push him away from the door to enter your house but he grabs you by the waist,

"Im sorry..."

E/N says

You look at him up and down and then escape out of his grip

"Leave Me Alone..."

You say as you close the door of your house, leaving E/N outside...

Was he really sorry...? You think to yourself as you walk to your room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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