Chapter 1 - That Day

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This story is a fanfic of "Just A Reincarnation Story," which itself is a fanfic of "Nihonkoku Shoukan." Regarding the status of this story, as stated on the book cover, it has been approved by the JARS author, ngilerjo_

This story begins from JARS Chapter 5, although if following the lore, it should start from Chapter 10. Therefore, it might be better for you to read JARS first, but it's also fine if you choose not to.

Please keep in mind that this story aren't cannon to JARS :ngacirjo: :ngacir_spin: :ngacir:


House of Pendragon is one of the most prestigious noble families in the Holy Mirishial Empire. Though not as wealthy or strategically positioned in the government, their status as the Duke of Runepolis couldn't be underestimated, as it was the capital of the Empire. Furthermore, this position had been held by the House of Pendragon for generations, according to the decree of the Emperor, who established them as the permanent Dukes of Runepolis.

Despite their esteemed position, nobody knew how Lungmen Pendragon managed to secure it. All that said about him was that he had assisted the Emperor during the early days of his reign.

However, the family was now on the brink of collapse, not due to warfare or assassinated by other families, but because there was only one heir left to carry on the family name. She was Anette Pendragon, a High Schooler Girl with silver hair and shimmering blue eyes.

The gentle rays of the morning sun illuminated the young girl's face through the window, waking her from a heavy and tired slumber. Yawning and feeling the strong pull of her comfortable bed magnet, she took her time before finally pushing the covers aside and sitting up. Rubbing her eyes to shake off the sleepiness, she moved to get out of bed. Her right hand brushed her eyes to awaken herself fully.

After a few moments, she got up and headed towards the bathroom in her room. Her hands quickly undressed her pajamas, revealing her entire body without a single thread to cover it. Once she undressed, she stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. After making sure the towel was ready and the water was running, she began brushing her teeth while waiting for the bathtub to fill. After brushing her teeth and seeing the tub filled, she closed the tap and stepped into the bath, lost in thought.

"Am I the only Pendragon descendant left in this world?" she pondered, gazing at the bathroom ceiling with an inquisitive look.

It was something that had been on her mind lately. After her mother's died on accident five years ago, she and her father became the only member left on this family. The house had become quiet and lonely ever since then, with only her father, herself, and few servants left. Despite the undeniable fact that there were no more Pendragon family members alive, she couldn't fully accept it.

"There must be someone out there, even if it's just one person," she thought.

After drown on thought for some time, she finished bathing, soaping her body and rinsing her short hair. Once done, she grabbed a towel and dried herself off, stepping out of the bathroom. Then she put on her undergarments and school uniform. After that, she checked her bag's contents before leaving her room and walking through the right-wing corridor, descending the stairs to the dining room on the ground floor.

Her father was already there, reading The Runepolis Times and sipping on a cup of warm tea prepared by the maids but hadn't touched his food yet. As he noticed her presence, he set the newspaper aside and looked at Anette with a friendly smile, saying, "Good morning, Anette. Are you ready?"

"Good morning, father. Yes, I am ready," she replied as she pulled out a chair and took her seat.

Once Anette settled in her chair, they began to have breakfast according to the menu for the day, which was Wednesday. It was Grilled Chicken with Sweet Soy Sauce accompanied by Southern-style condiments such as cucumber, mustard greens, and rice, with the option of adding chili sauce.

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