Chapter 2 - Where Am I

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It didn't take long for Annette and Sofia to reach the school's infirmary. Quickly, Sofia's hand opened the entrance door and after entering the room, they realized that the supervising teacher was not present.

Upon realizing this, Sofia immediately complained with annoyance, "Where did Mrs. Margaret go?"

"Maybe toilet?"

Not wanting to risk something, she quickly pulled Annette's hand towards an empty bed and seated her there.

"Anna, rest here for a moment, I'll find Mrs. Marga!"

Anna, Annette's nickname, simply nodded as she watched Sofia's back until she disappeared from her view.

Annette then looked around, there was no one else in the room besides herself. She sighed before removing her shoes and began to lie down on the soft bed. Her gaze was directed only toward the wall, painted in plain light blue, except for a poster about healthy foods.

She tried to clear her mind so that she could fall asleep quickly, but the thought of Meteos as one of her long-lost family members continued to disturb her minds.

"Sigh... I can't sleep if it continues like this."

Although she said that, drowsiness continued to accumulate within her.


"Yes, she's inside already!"

Sofia's voice echoed from outside the room. Shortly after, the entrance door opened and Sofia, along with Margaret entered to check on Annette's condition. After seeing Annette's current condition, Margaret immediately said, "Oh, she's asleep."

Margaret then went to the cupboard to get a blanket and gently placed it over Annette. Afterward, she looked at Sofia who was still there and said, "You can go now, I'll take care of her."

"Alright, I leave her to you, Mrs!"

Immediately after saying that, Anna's friend left the infirmary to return into her classes while Margaret went back to her desk. However, she heard sounds coming from where Anna was. Hearing that, she immediately abandoned her previous intention and walked towards Anna's location..


A young girl stood alone on the beach, lost in thought. To others, she might have appeared to be a student or a college student seeking solitude. However, it's not the case as her thoughts were occupied by how she had ended up here. But, one thing was certain, "I must return to Runepolis as soon as possible!"

As soon as she turned around, a rather luxurious house stood firmly on the top of a hill. It occupied the exact same location as her current residence. Some aspects of its architecture and style were undeniably similar, evoking a sense of familiarity. However, the surrounding environment was entirely foreign to her.

"What is this?" She could only stand there, gazing at her unfamiliar surroundings once more. If her assumptions were correct, this should be Runepolis, and she should be in the Neldorand district. Nevertheless, nothing before her resembled it in the slightest, not even the scenery surrounding the beach.

"Huh, I should go home first." However, after just a few steps, she encountered an elf dressed in a complete uniform patrolling at a checkpoint. Her instincts prompted her to inquire about a few things first.

"Excuse me, may I ask a question?"

The man, who wad a soldier, nodded quickly.

"Yes, of course."

"What year is it now?"


The soldier's face displayed shock, since it seemed impossible for anyone to forget the current year. Nevertheless, he decided to set aside that thought momentarily and answered, "It's one thousand five hundred seventy five."

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