Chapter 5 - Acknowledgement

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Anna could only sit silently beside Meteos. She didn't dwell on this for too long after the DNA test results revealed that she and Meteos were indeed siblings, confirming her suspicions. However, taking him to the castle immediately after receiving the results was clearly beyond her initial plan.

"But we are already come this far."

Her inner thoughts reminded her of the frustration she had felt for years due to not having any siblings after several family members died in a fatal accident. But how her father would react was still uncertain, even imagining it was a challenge, let alone involving her grandfather.


Meteos's weak voice immediately caught her attention. She quickly replied, "Yes, Meteos, what's the matter?"

The brilliant young man turned his head to look at Anna. His face displayed a mix of emotions that was hard to interpret. His lips quivered as he struggled to say something.

"Why... did you bring me to your house, especially this late?"

Anna fell silent upon hearing that question, just as puzzled about how to respond. Not to mention that it's already 11 PM after all.

"I...I don't know either."

Hearing this answer, Meteos couldn't contain his confusion on this day. First, Anna inquired about her grandmother, then took him to the Navy Hospital for a DNA test that revealed they were cousins or something. Lastly, she brought him to the Pendragon family castle. However, the noble girl had no idea why she had brought him there. Meteos began to rub his face, lowering his head and shaking it repeatedly as he muttered,

"What is actually happening... I don't understand."

He continued this for half a minute before stopping and giving Anna a peculiar look.

"I demand an explanation from you later, Anna!"

Nadia, upon hearing this sternly-toned statement, nodded. Unconsciously, her mouth added, "Y-Yes, I will explain this after we arrived at the castle."

Afterward, throughout the taxi ride to the Pendragon family castle, the atmosphere inside the vehicle grew silent, with the exception of the radio playing softly. The driver himself chose to remain silent and not interfere in their conversation, despite being extremely curious about what the daughter of Runepolis Governor was doing with a genius young man he often saw in the newspapers.

Not long after, they arrived at the Pendragon family castle. The driver dropped them off at the front gate and promptly left after receiving his payment. Afterward, the two of them walked into the castle, which appeared dim on most sides. Only a few lights were turned on in the hallways and specific rooms, indicating that the building was inhabited. This gave a somewhat eerie impression to Mentos, who was not accustomed to such surroundings.

The castle gate opened automatically as Anna was only a few steps away from it. Mentos paused for a moment to observe it but was compelled to continue walking onto the grounds after receiving a sign from Anna.

Walking along the stone path encircling a fountain in the center of the courtyard, and then climbing the stairs, left Mentos feeling slightly fatigued, but his curiosity was far stronger.

When they arrived in front of the tall wooden door, Mentos stopped Anna before opening it.

"Before entering the castle, Anna..."

Upon hearing his words, Anna immediately halted her intentions.

"...Hah, what is it?"

His displeased question made Mentos grit his teeth.

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