Chapter 3 - Father...

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A young girl with white hair and captivating blue eyes lay on the bed in the school's infirmary. Her eyes were fixed on the clock hanging above the table, as if she wished for time to pass more quickly. Her behavior didn't escape the watchful eye of Margaret, the supervising teacher, who had been observing her since a while ago.

"What's going on, Anna?"

The girl, somewhat surprised by the sudden call from her teacher, quickly rose from the bed and sat at its edge before responding.

"Ah, I just want to go home already, Miss."

Margaret nodded in understanding. She knew that Anna might be feeling lonely because she had been here since this morning due to her teacher's insistence and her friends, even though it had been just the morning since afterward she had gone to sleep. And when she woke up, it was too late to return to the class.

Not long after, there was a knock at the infirmary door and then two girls entered, both of them were carrying some items. She knew them well, they were Anna's friends, particularly the blonde girl, Nadia, who was quite well known at the school for some reason.

"Good afternoon, Miss. Is Anna here?" Nadia asked.

"Sofia, Nadia, you're right on time. Anna has just woken up."

The curtains covering Anna's bed suddenly shifted, revealing her as she raised her right hand and greeted, "Good afternoon!"

Her two friends went straight to a nearby bed and sat down. Nadia placed her bag on the floor, while Sofia stacked some books next to her.

"How are you, Anna?" Nadia asked.

Anna smiled upon hearing it, remembering that she had been overthinking her family, and she had slept soundly without any illness.

"Haha... well, as you can see, I'm perfectly fine now."

Hearing this response, her two friends immediately felt happy and exuded positive energy all around.

"That's great then. By the way, we've already informed your dad, and he came here this afternoon."

"Wait, really?"

Before Sofia could answer, Ms. Margaret stood up and walked toward them, saying, "Yes, the Governor came this afternoon to pick you up. But because you were sleeping so soundly, he changed his mind. Now he's here again."

Hearing this, Anna felt a bit guilty toward her dad.

"If you still feel unwell tomorrow, you don't have to go to school, alright?"

"Okay, Miss. But don't worry, I'm feeling perfectly fine right now."


Anna could only sigh since she wasn't actually sick at all.

Afterward, she put on her shoes and then stood up straight. Her two friends also stood up, and she immediately said, "I'm sorry for all the trouble that I had caused to you two."

"No, it's not a big deal, really, ehehe."

Sofia replied with an easygoing expression, while Nadia simply smiled before saying, "Well, you will do the same for me if our positions were reversed, right?"

Hearing this, Anna smiled softly.

"By the way, here is an extra study material book from Mr. Vladimir. You can read it yourself. If you want a summary, you should ask Nadia to give it."


Laughter erupted among the three of them before it was interrupted by the arrival of the Governor of Runepolis and Anna's father, Mr. Lucius.

"Sorry, I must go now."

Anna bid farewell to her two friends and the supervising teacher before heading home with her father.

While sitting in the car on the way home, Lucius spoke at length to her about this day event.

"So, remember, Anna, if you ever feel unwell or anything, just tell me. I won't force you to go if you're not feeling up to it, do you understand?"


Anna could only curse her own carelessness this morning. Because she had been overthinking about Meteos, whom she suspected was part of her family, she now had to go through all this. And, worst of all, her father was involved. Of course, her father was concerned because she was the only one left from the Pendragon family. If something happened to her, he wouldn't know what to do.

"Wait..." Anna muttered as she remembered something.

"Hmm? What is it, Anna?"

Meteos, she immediately recalled her strange morning dream. The journey to the past and all that, was it all real or just a mere dream?

But if it's just a dream, her missing money would surely refute that conclusion. So, had she really traveled back in time?

"Uhh... Dad?"


"Does, my grandfather, enjoy going out with other women?"

The question, posed without much weight, suddenly startled Lucius, almost causing him to stop the car.

"Hmmm, not really."

Anna immediately breathed a sigh of relief because now she could put an end to her overthinking. At least that's what she just thought.....

"But he did it once."

"W... WHAT!?"

"Uhhh, it would be hard to explain, dear."

Of course, Anna's grandfather, Lumencos, who was his father, was, at least in Anna's eyes, a wise and stern figure. He only had six years to accompany his granddaughter before passing away due to age-related factors, so Anna didn't know or saw the dark side of her grandfather.

"By the way, how do you know about this?"

Hearing the question, Anna was at a loss because she couldn't possibly answer it from her dream.

" overheard some people talking about it at the national library... yeah, the national library!"

Lucius was suspicious of his daughter's behavior. Still, he dispelled all doubts because he knew that Anna might still be in shock over her grandfather's behavior.

"Okay... well, this could be considered as a scandal. They engaged in that activity in a hotel near our castle. Although the employees and the hotel staff kept it a secret, some visitors who recognized your grandfather's voice immediately reported it to the authorities, and it became a scandal. Luckily, it didn't last too long, haha."

Anna felt a bolt of lightning strike her chest when she heard that. Could it be that her dream was actually a journey back to the past?

"Wa...was her name Meteorava?"

Lucius was immediately shocked upon hearing this. With a scrutinizing gaze and an interrogative tone, he asked,

"How did you know?"

Anna, feeling cornered, quickly said, "I...I heard their entire conversation!"

Lucius began to look suspicious, but he decided not to dwell on it and just nodded. The journey home was filled with a deafening silence. But in Anna's mind, she was overthinking again. Her grandfather had indeed done it. Now, what she needed to find out was, who is Meteorava?

Her eyes turned towards the genius of the Runepolis Magic Academy, Meteos Roguerider.

"Could it be?" she muttered.

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