Chapter 4 - The Truth

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After walking into her classroom, Anna noticed that Meteos was inside and chatting with Nadia. Upon seeing this, she decided to pause in front of the door until Meteos left the classroom with Nadia. Only after that did she take her seat and turn to Sofia, asking, "What just happened?"

Sofia, busy munching on her bread, hastened her chewing and swallowed it not long after.

"Uh, I don't quite understand. But it was definitely about a book or something like that."

"I see."

With her response given, Anna immediately turned her gaze toward the door while Sofia continued to finish her remaining bread.

Some time later, Nadia appeared. Her face was slightly flushed and a tired, sweaty expression appears out of nowhere. Anna felt something was weird, but she was preoccupied with something else. Nadia's presence alone was enough to make her reflexively stand up and walk briskly over to her, startling her and causing her to stop. Right in front of her, Anna said, "Nad, can I meet him?"

Nadia, looking puzzled, heard her request.

"W...who are you talking about?"

"Ah yes, I mean Mentos!"

"Oh, Mentos. Yes, of course, you may go ahead."

"Do you know where is he right now?"

Hearing this question, Nadia was a bit confused by Anna's unusual behavior. However, since this was her friend, she didn't mind to doing this.

"I'll try to texting him, wait a moment."

After waiting for a while, a response came from Meteos.

"Ah, he's in the hallway near the stairs right now. He said he'll be waiting for you, so hurry."

"Thank you, Anna!"

"You're welcome. Now, go meet him. The class bell will ring soon."

"Wait, aren't you coming with me?"

Nadia shook her head and said, "No, I need to use the restroom."


In a corridor near the stairs, Anna walked briskly, her eyes carefully scanning every detail. Shortly after, she spotted a young man engrossed in his book. Although not from her family, she couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between him and her father to this man.

The young man seemed disheartened, but Anna didn't dwell on pleasantries.

"Do you know Meteorava?"

Upon hearing the question, Mentos immediately felt something was amiss.

"Meteorava is my grandmother. How do you know her name?"

Mentos's response sent Anna stumbling to the floor.

"Anna, are you okay?"

Panicked, Mentos checked her condition but Anna, still retaining some of her consciousness, shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

Mentos was bewildered by her sudden change. Little did he know that Anna's speculation about her family's disappearance involved his grandmother and Anna's grandfather having an affair.

Anna continued to hold her head, struggling to fathom that her lost family was, in fact, Mentos. But...

"Just to reassure me... Mentos, would you accompany me for a while after school?"

Mentos was speechless, taken aback by her unusual request. He didn't mind accompanying Anna, but the abruptness and lack of explanation puzzled him.

"I don't mind at all. I have no appointments with Mrs. Robin or Walmart. But, why and where, if I may ask?"

Anna chuckled softly upon hearing his response. Inwardly, she knew he would ask such questions. It was sudden and without any explanation.

"To hospital."

Mentos's facial expression changed drastically upon the brief response. He thought, "Anna must be suffering from an illness that needs immediate attention."

Driven by that thought, without further contemplation, Mentos replied, "Sure, okay."

Hearing his response, Anna smiled and said, "Thank you. We'll meet at the alpha tree," before lowering her gaze and staring at the floor again.


After school, Mentos and Anna met as agreed by the Alpha tree behind the school. This tree, known as the tallest in Runepolis, brought shade to anyone sitting beneath its lush foliage. Despite that it's still 2 PM, sitting on here doesn't feel hot at all.

"So, why are we here?" Mentos initiated the conversation.

Anna chuckled softly.

"Well, to avoid drawing attention."

Perplexed, Mentos inquired, "What do you mean?"

"Imagine if both of us went together. Wouldn't rumors start circulating?"

Hearing this, Mentos scratched his head, not having an immediate answer.

"Alright, I'm refreshed now. Let's call a taxi."

Anna reached for her Aikon, but Mentos intervened, saying, "Let me order it."

Promptly, Mentos hailed a taxi using an app on his Aikon. Soon, the requested taxi arrived and waited on the adjacent street.

Once they were both seated in the back, the driver calculated the fare.

"Let's see, from Tranquilla to Odyssa...that would be 75 Zollarks."


Mentos was taken aback, but Anna didn't seem to mind it at all.

"Don't worry, I will pay for it."

Mentos nodded in agreement. Shortly after, the taxi began its journey to their destination.


The Holy Mirishial Empire Imperial Navy Hospital was one of the most advanced, modern, and experienced hospitals across the New World. With top-quality facilities and international-class services, it was undoubtedly the choice for the elite and affluent. This was why Mentos didn't ask any questions about why Anna brought him here.

At least not at first, because now he found himself was subjected to a DNA test.

"What do you really want from me?"

Mentos asked, puzzled as to why he had to undergo the test. Anna didn't say anything at first, but when Mentos pressed, emphasizing that they were alone in the room, she relented and said,

"Uhhh... I just wanted to test."


Confused, Mentos couldn't grasp Anna's true intention. But one thing was clear, something was amiss.

"Meteos Roguerider and Annette Pendragon, please enter!"

The operator's voice came through, and they promptly entered.

They were directed to a table where blood and hair samples were collected for the test. After the samples has been taken, they are placed at a room where a doctor was accompanying them. Finally, after approximately 8 hours, the results of the DNA test were ready.

"Quite surprisingly, your DNA is strikingly similar, as if you were siblings."

Upon hearing this review, Anna's inner thoughts churned briefly, but she had suspected it, so she wasn't too shocked. However, Mentos, on the other hand, who had never anticipated this, immediately stood upright. His hands slammed onto the table in front of them as he exclaimed, "WHATTTTTT!?"

All eyes swiftly turned toward the table, especially Mentos, who appeared quite hysterical.

Feeling uncomfortable, Anna decided to put an end to this. She promptly settled the testing fee and escorted Mentos out of the hospital, taking him somewhere, specifically her home.

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