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Taylor Swift rang through my ears as I sat on the shiny cold ground stretching out my stiff legs.

I didn't have time to eat so my stomach grumbled uncomfortably in the silence of the room, I was always the first one here. Which in a way was good, because I could work on my solo without judgment.

My teacher was a close second, coming through the doors with a smile and a warm cup of coffee.

"Janey, we have to work on your solo," I pushed one side of my headphones away from my ear and nodded with a yawn.

"Hey bitches," Carly walked through the door looking like a million bucks, as always. Always so effortlessly pretty.

"Language, Carly," Miss Darling said with a smile. None of us knew if that was her real last name or if she just made it up, but none of us were game enough to ask.

"How's my favourite bitch?" Carly sat next to me starting to stretch out her own legs.

"My mother kept me up all night, I think i'm going to die," I exaggerated as I fell backwards on the floor, letting my arms lay next to me.

"You need to get the fuck out of there, I don't know how you haven't killed her," I chuckled knowing full well I have thought about it. All my life my mother has controlled what I do. I can't even eat something without letting her know first.

My mother has made sure that she is my only lifeline, I'm 19 and I can't even move out because I don't have time to have a job.

"Will you help me hide the body if I do it?" I smirked as she laid beside me.

"Girl, i'll help you do it," We laughed until we heard the doors open, we sprung up but my mood was completely diminished when I saw Bianca walk in.

"She's next on our hit list," Carly whispered as I continued to stretch.

Bianca is a mean girl. She's Miss Darlings favourite however because she has her head shoved up her ass. Once she purposely tripped me while I was doing a pirouette, I fell right on my ass. She made sure Miss Darling wasn't watching, I never wanted to punch someone in the face more than that moment.

"Oh definitely," I whispered back. We were all stretching now, waiting for the last girls to arrive. Conversations filled the room as the little groups talked about their weekends.

"I went on a date," Carly hid behind her hands as I gasped.

"What the fuck! Tell me right now," I urged as she laughed.

"Her names Miley and she skates at the skatepark i'm always at, so I asked her for her number and then we went to the movies, that's it," She brushed it off as I stared in excitement.

"Are you fucking kidding me," I slapped my hand over my mouth as some of the girls looked at me, I sheepishly smiled and turned back to Carly.

"Do you like her? Like really like her?" I whispered as she shrugged.

"I don't know," I raised a brow at her terrible attempt at being nonchalant.

"You like her, you wanna kiss her, you wanna date her," I teased as she hid behind her hands once more. When you've been best friends with the same person for 6 years, you learn to differentiate between lying and being honest, and Carly was a big fat liar.

"Being a lesbian is hard, I don't even know if she is a lesbian," Carly replied as we held onto the barre continuing our stretches. Miss Darling was giving us the steps as we copied, once class started I was serious. I had given my life to ballet and I was fucking good at it.

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