jokes 10

10 0 2

bean: seriously, omi?

omi: what? i just bought a taco. 

bean: from the truck that HIT jimothy? 

omi: well me starving ain't gonna help him. 


chatnoob2: what do you think chuakip and bean will do for the distraction? 

cart: i dunno, yell or throw a rock? that's what i would do-

explosion sounds in the distance, multiple car alarms go off

cart: or they could do that. 


saltyNate, kicks open door looking panicked

bean: what did you do now? 

saltyNate: NOBODY DIED



bean: i'm going to ask you to be respectful here

hamburgZ: i will respectfully decline. 


Mechanic: i need you to be straight with me. 

crow, looking around: that is going to be extremely hard for everybody here. 



cart, throwing open door: who? what? why? when? where? how? 

TurtleKnight: IT- IT'S A CREATURE

jabob: hi. 


jabob: heeeeeeeellllo. 

omi, blushing: hi. 

jabob: do you think that strawberries are sentient?



jabob does this thing to me where he creeps up behind me and says "hi" in the creepiest voice possible really REALLY close to me. and it always, forever, without fail

scares the living shit out of me


bean: welcome to mY INSANITY

omi: hehe

jimothy: welcome to emirates airbus 9380

hamburgZ: do you know the muffin man

Mechanic: father is tired

jabob: the long suffering lab rat

chuakip: problem child #1

chatnoob2: the true debater

TurtleKnight: problem child #2 

crow: a MURDER of crows ahahahHahHHHAHAHAHAHHA

cart: <3

saltyNate: can i not play mario in peace


bean: i am the smartest, wisest person in this group

chatnoob2: is your hand stuck up a vending machine? 

bean: i paid for my coffee crisp, i am GETTING my coffee crisp. 


chatnoob2: are you in love with jabob?

omi, blushing: n-no

chatnoob2: then why did you write o + j all over town? 

omi, panicking: it stands for orange juice


omi: jabob looks so handsome and peaceful. i wonder what he's thinkig about. 

jabob looking out the window meditatively: *under his breath* wensday. when's day? wed-nes-day. wensday? wed-nes-day...


crow: if we put hamburgZ and bean into a room together, who would come out crying first? 

chuakip: the room. 


bean, opening the door: what are you doing here? 

chuakip: running away from all my problems. 


bean: come on in. 


jimothy: i'm just saying, i'm gonna get you next time.

jabob: i'm just saying, i beat you twice. 

jimothy: the first time was a tie! 

jabob: and the second time? 

jimothy:...there were no witnesses the second time. 


cart: where are you going? 

saltyNate: to get ice cream or commit a felony, i'll decide on the way there. 


my arms and broken right wrist can take no more, goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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