👉 part - 5👈

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Jungkook pov _______________________

I was laying down on my bed closing my eyes and the back door of my room opened and I see a lady who was wearing a black silky grey middie and the dress was just till her mid thighs showing her so heavenly body figure her perfect curves, her creamy legs , and her beautiful creamy collarbone ...... But one thing I can't see her face...becoz of light she was standing in dark and I just can't see her angelic face... But when she came close to me and I saw her face she was my angel .... She was looking hella sexy in that dress.. Before I could react or said something she throw me on bed and hover-above me I also let myself fall on bed and she was now on top of me her heart-shaped cherry lips are coming close to me and slowly slowly she came so close to me and I can feel her hot breaths are faining on my lips but before her lips touched mine I felt a horse like voice calling me and I got up with a jerk....

B-0sS ~~

Yaah! Who the fv*k is this

Bo-Boss M-Mr Albert was coming here to meet u he tell me to told you th-that

Am coming! Just get out of from here.

Angel what the hell r u doing to me I can't control myself from thinking about you... And now you are coming also in my dreams wearing that sinful dress just to giving me a boner......

Just wait little more ..u r soon going to be mine........
I don't want to make u caged with me but now u did a sin, sin to come in my dreams, sin to distracting me from my work, sin to make my heart beat for u ...
And on top of that hugged me by mistake but ur little mistake awake the devil inside me......
And... Now the devil will make u his

Author's pov :-

Jungkook was now in U.S.A ...after that day when he encountered with yn on the Same night he leaves for
U.S.A but his mind and body r not in his control every time he just think about Yn...everytime he just felt the urge to hold her in his embrace and don't let her go but the age difference was affecting him so much that he is 27 and Yn is just 17 and how he can fall for a teenage girl or intact he thought that he have high standards.... How can he fall for an employee's sister
But then he realize that it's not an love
It's an obsession when ever he think about her he felt himself restless ....all he want just hold her near himself .. And his minds already start imagining the things with her that he want to do and he know that if he confess his love or obsession to her then her brother was not gonna accept it now matter how much Billonaire, millionaire he is and this thought make his mind turn in a different direction.....becoz he was not going to leave his angel......

Bcoz now the little attraction was turn into an obsession... He was crazily, madly, heavenly obsessed with her.....

Mr Choi........ He shouted his secretary name in a loud pich voice...

Y-yes b0-B0SS.... What happen do u need anything si-sir.....

Make my jet ready for Seoul am leaving .....he said to his secretary while looking outside the beautiful view of U.S.A from the big glass window and his both hands are tugged in his torso..

Okay! Boss I will make it ready for tomor--

Am leaving right now... He said to his secretary without listening his complete sentence.....

Okay! I will make it ready......
He bowed and leave the room

Am coming just wait little more angel ..
He said to himself looking outside of the window


How is it tell me
comments atleast let me know that how is it

So bye bye till then

__________________Heavenly obsessed !

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