1. chicken sandwich

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jun wasn't an early riser.

no, he actually was, but under most given circumstances he went to bed late and therefore would only wake up approximately ten minutes prior to the latest time he could be awake by to not be late to for wherever he was due for.

back in his school days, it was minghao who'd smack him awake, fully dressed and ready, before classes started, or leave a fifty billion wake-up missed calls until jun would crack an eye open, exasperatedly check the time and then immediately proceed to spring out of his bed like a a fucking antelope galloping down the bushes, because again, he probably had half an hour in his hands.

however, things changed in college.

while there was no minghao anymore, jun also didn't have any early ass classes either. he had purposefully crafted his schedule like that. but he was forced to wake up at the crack of dawn on some days anyway.

the reason being, his roommate jeon wonwoo.

the poor kid was even worse at waking up in the morning than jun. while it was obvious that the matter could be mended if wonwoo would just stop gaming throughout the night, jun didn't have the heart to tell him so, because that was the only time, his usually expressionless and quiet roommate would have a full blown smile. sometimes you could even hear him laugh.

to say that jun had a soft spot for his nerdy, adorable roommate, would be an understatement. i mean, the heavily lackadaisical dude was willing to wake up in the morning, just so that he could be wonwoo's personal alarm clock for heaven's sake! if that wasn't a sign of single minded infatuation, the word would lose its meaning.

but to be very fair, all jun did was chuck a bottle or two at his roommate while barely opening his own eyes, wait till wonwoo got up, all grumbly and looking like his eye-bags could carry the whole world, wake up again to hug the gamer goodbye and then proceed pass out like he had been hit on his head.

it didn't seem like much, but it was still a hundred percent effort on jun's part. because on contrary if it was anyone else other than wonwoo, you could be damn sure that the chinese wouldn't give two flying fucks, rather there was actually a pretty good chance that anyone who laughed randomly in the middle of the night and muttered bullshit to themselves while gaming, would have definitely been kicked out for ruining wen junhui's precious sleep.

jeon wonwoo was lucky he was jeon wonwoo and that jun was absolutely whipped for him.

"wonu," jun grumbled, "wake up."

the nickname 'wonu', contrary to popular belief, was actually coined by jun himself. while most people thought that it was something wonwoo was quite used to hearing all his life, given how comfortable he was with it, the nickname actually became widespread because jun started using it in public.

now as to why jun came up with the nickname? it was simply because he found the nerdy gamer as adorable as the name 'wonu'.

"wonu!" jun's voice got louder as he blindly groveled around for anything throwable.

"yeah, yeah i'm getting up," wonwoo groaned from the other side of the room, "don't chuck stuff at me, my head still hurts from last week."

"i didn't mean to throw the alarm clock at you," jun mumbled, "it was the closest thing to me."

"use your head sometimes," wonwoo put on his glasses, suddenly finding the world much clearer.

"you know you love me anyway," jun chuckled, burying his face in his pillow again.

"delusional," wonwoo replied dryly before getting up to dress himself.


"i wanted the chicken sandwich!" wonwoo huffed.

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