9. avoidance

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jeonghan had a sort-of celebrity crush.

now if his type of celebrity crush meant a delusional i'm- going- to- marry- him fan , or a oh- i- appreciate- him- and- support- his- works admirer, was for him to know and you to desperately wonder.

this crush in question was chae hyungwon, a similar trainee like jeonghan himself, just a bit more veteran, not to mention that he was also an actor and a horribly good DJ. no party on campus had even a second of dull moments going on if hyungwon was the one behind the DJ table.

the only difference between jeonghan's crush and y'all's is that he actually had quite a number of chances to meet him since they were friends and boy did he grab those chances.

it was weird for yoon jeonghan himself to have a celebrity crush though. there were mainly two reasons for that. one, he had quite a few entertainment personalities as friends if you think about it, so hyungwon actually didn't have anything new to offer, and two (the most important reason, honestly) jeonghan himself was considered the guy every human on campus had a crush on, the resident campus beauty.

but for a campus heartthrob to have another college hottie as a crush was seemingly incomprehensible to some people. i mean, jeonghan was human too, after all. however, listening to people talking about how hyungwon and him 'dazzled' too much when they were together sure weirded him out.

to be very honest, the vocalist knew he was handsome. he had found himself stunning on multiple occasions and he believed that there was no harm in that. it was just a simple truth after all, it wasn't like he was parading around the city, bragging about his looks.

it is fine to have a certain level of self-appreciation, he thought.

"so? how is training going?" hyungwon sipped his coffee.

"it's as tough as it gets," jeonghan smiled, before adding slyly, "not that i think you would know because you are already so perfect."

"don't flatter me that much," hyungwon laughed, used to the younger's continuous flirting "but make sure you don't give up halfway on your dream."

"my members keep me going, honestly," jeonghan sighed, relaxing further into his seat, "i don't know what i would do without them and you, of course."

"i'm glad i can be of help, but when it comes to your members, people usually get demotivated pretty soon, unless they understand the importance of the rest of their friends."

"that's pretty accurate," the vocalist agreed, "so when are you guys debu—"

"what's going on here?"

a smooth hand slid across jeonghan's waist as someone perched lightly on the hand of the couch he was sitting on. jeonghan blinked up to s.coups grinning towards hyungwon, who seemed naturally uncomfortable at the sudden skinship.

"not much, we were just discussing our trainee lives," he smiled politely nonetheless.

something about choi seungcheol made him wary. it wasn't like the younger was rude to him in any way and meeting him one-on-one was actually quite fun, but the moment yoon jeonghan was included in the equation, there was this invisible force telling him to back off even though he wasn't even trying to instigate anything.

"ugh, i'm gonna die trying to handle 12 different chaotic personalities," cheol groaned, "being trainees is so hard, does it get harder to be an idol?"

"apparently the restrictions increase in a way but decrease in some," hyungwon replied thoughtfully, "but you get a lot more money and exposure and you can produce your own songs, so i guess it gets compensated? wait, you guys are already making your own tracks, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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