3. light a flame

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"are you guys completely sure of which unit you want to join?" seokmin initiated the conversation.

"do we have to choose only one?" lee chan groaned, "i for one could audition both for performance and hip-hop, will they really not let us?"

"trust me, it's insider information that they prefer people who are single-minded, more than jack-of-all-trades," seokmin replied quite seriously.

"what are they? the big 3? YG, SM and JYP?" minghao rolled his eyes, "why are they being such snobs? isn't it just for a college band?"

"don't ever say that in front of them, even by mistake," mingyu shushed him immediately, "they are serious about this, way more serious than you can imagine."

"but this doesn't make sense!" hao hissed back, "we are not in america, for them to create a successful group they should have been trainees under some agency since like thirteen or something! this is korea! they need to be realistic!"

"well to be fair, if they are as interested in going pro as they say they are, they could always go up for survival shows and such, if they are good enough they might be scouted despite their ages," seungkwan shrugged.

"hello? they already have 7 people and they are saying that they need even more, which survival show will be willing to scout so many people? they will be bound to break up at some point," hao rolled his eyes.

"they could be indie artists," hansol countered coolly, "i mean, you are correct, given how they are all in college means that they either have been pressured to or they still actually want a job and their band is just a side gig."

"right? that makes so much sense, thank you for being the only sane one here!" hao clapped hansol's back.

"but they could also be professional indie artists like i said before, that's another side of the music world in korea, right? it's definitely true that debuting under an agency is next to impossible, they might try but it's still improbable, indie artists however? quite plausible, especially if they keep up their talent," hansol elaborated.

"from all the songs they have released since last year they are pretty top notch to be honest," chan mused, "it's rare for simple college bands to be this good with their producing and lyrics quality."

"they are genuinely invested in this, even an amateur can tell," seungkwan nodded.

"honestly, i don't really care about all of those, i am in for fun and i want to kick s.coups' ass," mingyu grinned, "it's high time that jerk got some payback for all the twenty years worth of bullying."

"and how exactly will you do that?" seokmin snorted, "that dude is scary as hell and can beat you to a pulp even though you are almost twice his size, i'll like to see you go up against him."

"speaking of coups-hyung, have you all decided your stage names?" chan piped up brightly, "mine's 'dino'."

"'dino' as in dinosaur? cute," mingyu chuckled, "i'll just go by my own name."

"same here," seungkwan nodded.

"me too, i'll go by 'vernon'," hansol added.

"mine is DK, short for 'dokyeom'," seokmin continued, "and before you guys ask, it's because i like the sound of it and it was also one of my potential birth names."

"that is so cool, it's like you have a special link with it," dino giggled, "what about you minghao?"

"first of all, this is bullshit! how jobless and delusional are these people to even ask us to come up with stage names for a mere audition! do they keep forgetting that they are just college students like us?" hao huffed, "honestly? given how elaborate their auditioning is, they should work to open an agency instead of a boy group!"

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