~Chapter 1~

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(this is from Wilburs POV)

"You got any of it?" Quackity asks me quietly

"I should be asking you the same thing."I respond.

The air is cold and the streets feel barren.This city never fails to seem so boring.Sometimes I wish people gave me credit for small times that it hasn't been.The only things I regret in life are: one,being born,and two,selling drugs at a place with so much recognition.

"haha of course I do!"

Quackity shuffles over to me.He hands me 40 dollars. I go to grab it.

"let go."I sternly say




I've hated alot of my customers but this one has to be my worst one.

I pin him onto the table but hide the weed under a chair.


Before I can finish my sentence Quackity covers my eyes with his wings and throws me onto the floor.

"GIVE IT TO ME FIRST!"He screams at the top of his lungs

I punch him.

Suddenly we are in a full on fight.Q tries to bite and scratch me almost everywhere.

"Mm I don't want to say this but we've humiliated ourselves enough so-"

"Dont you dare!"He does a quick upper-cut on me.

"Nevermind!"I say,winking.

"Your charm isn't funny Wil!"Alex punches more.

"I know it isnt!"

Q rolls his eyes and gets up on the table.

"Tryna be a showoff aye? I thought that was my job."I say jokingly

Q goes full on and slams my head onto the floor.

"Oh yeah?What now?You gonna choke me?Oh wait-"

"Slime!Pass me the tape!"

Slimecicle looks up at him from one of the dining tables talking with a client.

"I am not getting involved in this."Charlie replies

"Come on slime please!" Q says as I beat that bitch up ;;p

"I didn't even bring it!"

While Q and I are making eachother all different shades of blue,black,and red I hear police sirens.

"Shit,Shit,We gotta go!"

"What is it now Soot?" Q growls


Quackity and I try to run out and grab all the evidence we could get.We run corner to corner but the police just get closer

"This is the police!You have the right to stay silent!"

Quackity stands still and raises his arms in the air.Lucky for me I'm not like that prick so I run to the end of alleyway.


"KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!"A police officer directs at me.


Are the last words I hear before I knocked out.

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