+Chapter 4+

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The sun is shining,the birds are singing,its days like these that I HATE./ref

I woke up to a ring at the door bell

"Who is it?!"Ash exclaimed


"And Tubbo!"Toby added

"Come in!"

Ash opens the door for my friends.

"Ooh nice place you got over here Ash!"Tubbo complements

"Thank you."

"Oh shut up tubbo this place looks like shit!"Tommy says as he messes up Tubbo's hair

I finally decide to welcome myself to the world and open my eyes fully.Tommy looms over me his face only a few inches away from mine.

"Good morning sunshine >;;)"Tom says while trying to hold back a laugh.

"Bad morning Simons."I couldn't help but laugh after the whole conversation.

"Sooo what'cha up to?"My "little brother" asked

"I just woke up."

"Uh huh and I have a girlfriend!"

"But Tommy you-"

"Shush! I have to ask daddy kabosu something!"

Everyone in the room gasped dramatically


"Nothing.." Tommy said as he put his finger in a little owo pose

What went from gasping,in a second became giggles and laughter.

"Soooo funny. Whatever,I'm going to go make some breakie."

Ash goes to the kitchen to go make whatever tasteless crap british people eat

"Okay lets cut the shit,Toby and I are going to be your defendants for the trial."Tom whispered to me at the same time he was moving a coffee table for us to eat on.

"Toms,I don't need a little table to eat on,I can move you know?"

"I know, its for something else."

"Anyways,why do you have to tell me this in secret?"

"Because...Ash is-"

Speaking of my bandmate,he came out with some bagels and cream cheese.

"One for you,and one for you,and none for you 'Gold."Ash said to me.

"You selfish motherfucker!I'm hungry!"I say with sass

"I'm giving you something..else."

The second he said that Tommy and Toby shook their heads in dissaproval

"No."Toby mouthed dramatically

"NO NO NO NO!"Tommy mouthed with intensity I could almost hear.

Tommy and Toby started making little hand shapes with their hands.There was only a few symbols I could make out,for example,The court room,and that Ash was bad?But Everything else was a blur

"Uhm..No thanks I'll just have half of Tom's thanks"I declined

Tommy shows an annoyed face at me conveying "Why me?!" and "I hate you (jokingly)"

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