Filler Chapter 2: Parent's Day

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Beacon Academy, Beacon Courtyard

Time: 1000

Air buses containing the parents were seen landing as their doors opened up, and out walked the parents of the students as the students waited with the teachers.

Jaune: Have to admit, I hate being a teacher.

Soap: You now realize Captain?

Jaune: Soap if you speak one more bloody word, you're on prison guard duty.

Soap: Aye, sorry sir.

Jaune was then approached by Pyrrha and another red-haired woman, who must've been her mother.

Jaune: Hey Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Hello Professor Arc, meet my mother, Athena.

Jaune: Good morning, Mrs. Niko's.

Jaune puts out his hand to which Athena shook it.

Athena: Please, it's Ms. I am single after my husband... left.

Jaune: Oh, I'm sorry.

Athena: Don't be, he never helped my baby become how she is!

Athena then side hugged Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: That you have.

Athena then left the hug and began to talk again.

Athena: So, I assume she's been doing great in class?

Jaune: Of course, one of my top students.

Athena: Good, though I have to ask.

Jaune: Yes?

Athena: How old are you? You seem young.

Jaune: 17 ma'am.

Athena: 17!? You're the same age as Pyrrha!?

Jaune: My circumstances aren't allowed to be discussed. Be rest assured I know what I'm doing.

Athena: Good then, one more thing.

Jaune: Yes?

Athena: Is your name Jaune?

Jaune: Is that a problem?

Athena: Yes! My baby said she is dating someone named Jaune and I want to meet him!

Jaune then looked over at Pyrrha who was chuckling a little.

Jaune: T-then yes ma'am, I am Jaune, Jaune Arc.

Athena: AH! It's so nice to actually meet you! 

Jaune: U-uh yeah...

Athena: So, I assume you're treating my daughter, right?

Jaune was sweating at the intense stare Athena was giving him.

Roach then whispered to Soap.

Roach: Captain is nervous ain't he.

Soap: Aye.

Jaune: Of course! She is the love of my life!

Athena kept on eyeing Jaune until smiling.

Athena: Good, come one Pyrrha, we still have other professors.

Pyrrha: Right.

The Niko's then walked away from the sweating Jaune.

Jaune: Whoo, that was nerve rackin'.

Ghost: Don't lose your soul yet captain, we got other parents.

Jaune: Right...

Then 141 was approached by the Belladonna's.

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