24. beaten and bruised

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MY EYES PEERED out the window as we drove. flickering over all the abandoned buildings. me, maggie, and glenn volunteered to make a run into town for more formula, wanting to check out a couple buildings we hadn't made it to in the past.

"i think it's that one" i pointed out, earning a nod as he pulled into the parking lot where a huge discount store stood.

he placed the car in park, unlocking my door so i could slide out of the seat, maggie following my lead. my hands reached for my belt loop, grabbing my gun so i could do a quick check.

"it looks clear outside" i informed, moving around to the side of the car where maggie and glenn stood. grabbing his metal cutters while maggie grabbed us two flashlights.

"i'm gonna do a whole perimeter check... ill be back in a minute" maggie informed, earning a nod before she stepped away from us. heading around the back of the building.

"hopefully we find some formula... we're already running low. i wouldn't want anything to happen to the baby" glenn sighed, moving towards the door causing me to reach out. grabbing his arm to pull him back towards me.

"hey" i started as he stopped in front of me. he gave me a sad smile before leaning in, placing a quick kiss on my lips, "she'll be okay"

when i thought he was about to pull away, he placed his hands on the back of my neck. connecting our lips in a deeper kiss.

we both stood their for a moment, taking our time before pulling away from each other, "i can't wait to see her get excited when she sees you. it's so cute the way she perks up at the sight of you— she's like me"

i chuckled, pushing glenn back away so we could get the job done. wanting to see the baby already after only being away from her for an hour or so, "what can i say? i'm carsyn marie walsh— everybody loves me"

"okay, your stretching it a little too far now" he smiled, moving to the door to cut the chains before opening the door. we both immediately ducked, a flock of bats flying out as soon as the door opened.

glenn huffed, standing back up. giving me a glance over his shoulder to make sure i was okay. i gave him a small nod, stepping ahead of him to enter first.

we split up once we were in side. i headed towards the baby section while he checked out the food. i let out a sigh in relief, seeing a whole shelf stocked with powered formula and canned baby food. i took multiple cans of the formula, grabbing a couple jars of the food for when she was able to eat those. i knew time would fly by fast.

i quickly made my way outside once i grabbed what i needed, finding maggie watching out for us as i exited, "we just hit the powered formula jackpot."

"oh, thank god" she smiled, glancing back at glenn who appeared with a basket full of other things.

"i found beans, batteries, cocktail wieners, many mustards..." he started, flipping through the basket of stuff, "it's straight shot back to the prison from here. probably make it in time for dinner."

maggie sighed, grabbing a basket out of hands, "i like the quiet— back there, back home, you can always hear them outside the fence no matter where you are."

i nodded at her words, opening the passenger door to place my basket on the floor.

"and where is it yall good people are calling home?" a voice i knew too well yelled, causing my head to fly towards where it came from. my gun automatically raising.

i took slow steps to the front of the car, glenn and maggie following, "merle?"

merle's mouth gaped, a smile growing as he lowered his gun. hooping and hollering while his eyes scanned me and glenn, "wow"

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