31. run or hide

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AS I WAS WALKING back from fixing the door

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AS I WAS WALKING back from fixing the door. daryl caught my vision as he ran out from the prison, looking around. i furrowed my brows, running to catch up with him. he look more alarmed than anything.

"daryl! daryl, what's going on?" i yelled, only to be ignored as he started to take off down the down. i raced after him, not minding that the only weapon on me were my knives.

i grabbed his arm as soon as i caught up with him at the bottom of the hill, my breathing erratic from how out of shape i was.

"where the fuck are you going?" i questioned, earning a grunt when he ripped his bicep out of my hands, "don't matter... go talk to rick."

"no, i'm talking to you" i muttered, beginning to follow him while he walked— not taking the glares as do not follow me.

he glanced over his shoulder to find me still following him, causing him to huff out a breath before turning to me, "rick was gonna make a deal with the governor— give him michonne, no war. he was gonna go through with it but decided not to an now i can't find merle or michonne."

my heart dropped to my stomach, realizing that he needed my opinion on the deal and i had turned it down. i almost cost michonne, who saved me and glenn, her life. i'm only guessing that he would do a lot worse to her than he did to me which was horrifying.

"okay, im coming with you"

"nah, just me. get ya family ready for the war" he concluded, causing me to shake my head as i continued to follow him.

"you are my family, daryl. i don't care what you say— i'm coming with you"

he grunted, shaking his head before taking off. i took that as an okay, my body lurching to keep up with him was we took off into the woods.

with the pace he was going we'd get to merle in no time, but i didn't know if i would. my chest constricted with tightness, becoming lightheaded from the running and not being able to breath properly.

i held a hand to my chest as we ran, soon feeling relief wash over me when daryl stopped a couple steps ahead of me.

"hey! where's my brother?" daryl yelled, causing me to take a step to the side. finding michonne piercing through a walkers head with her katana, "you kill him?"

she looked up to find daryl, her eyes glancing to me for a split second before turning back to him. shaking her head, "no, he let me go"

daryl huffed, going around the girl, "don't let anyone come after me— that means you carsyn!"

i rolled my eyes, slamming my hands down against my sides, "he's so ungrateful, i ran all this way for his ass."

michonne didn't say anything, her eyes filled with betrayal as she looked me up and down. then it hit me that she thought we were all traitors against her. she didn't have any good reason to trust me.

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