Chapter 18 : New year

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narrator narrating

The next day, Lucas' parents were too busy preparing for the New Year's party. Lucas stayed at home helping his parents and Matheus, who was at the house, stayed the whole day helping. Ryan went back to his parents' house to do nothing and when he got home, he said he was going to see Micaele to escape obligations, but his mother scolded him. His father allowed it, and Ryan was finally free.

Luke's mother narrates

I don't know what's wrong with this Matheus, he looks so sad sometimes. He gets this lost look, like there's some emptiness or something. Is he being mistreated?

But when Lucas looks at him, there seems to be a twinkle in the back of his eyes like Lucas makes him happy or something. This son of mine is very strange. Since the day I got home and he was sleeping, I saw marks on the wall, on his clothes and even

on the floor. Looks like fingernails, raccoon nails. Strange, that day Ryan's shirt was lying next to the chair and Lucas's next to the sofa, his shorts were on the floor.

Mom, the cake is already burning! Lucas says to me, bringing me out of my thoughts.


I turn off the microwave, the cake almost burns and I put it on the table.

tells Lucas

My mom is weird. Lately, she's been looking at me thoughtfully, as if she wants to tell me something or if she suspects something. She sometimes asks me the name of the girl I'm dating, when I'm going to introduce her and even suspects it's a raccoon. But that girl is Ryan and he played the little girl to perfection, I think about it with a naughty face.

matheus thought

Lucas's parents are cool, I wish my dad was like them. Lucas has everything I wish I had, he's lucky. They were even nice to me, I liked them. And he is a wolf!

narrator narrating

The day was busy with everyone making preparations for the New Year's party. Matheus wanted to stay, but his father didn't allow it. He had to go home, Leonardo was going to spend the New Year at his girlfriend Juliana's house. Matheus, as he didn't want to go, would have to stay at home.

Matheus returned home very sad, with Lucas accompanying him.

It was 5 pm and the sun was starting to set, the horizon was clear and the sky had lightened yellow tones, the birds were making a big fuss gathering in their nests.

Meanwhile, Lucas accompanied Matheus to his house. Matheus was very sad, with his head down, and Lucas accompanied

him in silence. Arriving home, Lucas says goodbye to Matheus and he stands at the door watching Matheus take the keys, open the door and say one last goodbye.

Matheus narrates

When I enter the house, I see that my father is sleeping on the couch. I even think that sleeping, he has a scary appearance.

He must have been drinking, I see a bottle of wine next to him and in one of his claws I see a notebook with a list of names. When I get closer to see what it is, he wakes up.

narrates narrator

What are you looking at, Matheus? Leonardo asks.

Nothing, father — answers Matheus.

Suspicious, Leonardo gets up, standing in front of Matheus.

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