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A week passed by and everything had gone back to normal. The two best friends have started talking again and acted like how they used to. 

"Yo, taekwondo tryouts will be held later today!" Valerie exclaims with a mix of nervousness and excitement. 

Sam gives her a thumbs up, "You'll do great later, I just know it?" The black-haired girl grabs the brunette's hands and holds them tight, "You think so?"

"Yeah, you've been training hard all week for this," Sam replies. She turns to Miguel, "Right, Migs?" 

He nods, "You can do this, Val." He gives her a reassuring smile and this immediately puts her at ease. Sam notices them smiling at each other so she clears hear throat.

She links arms with Miguel and hugs his arm, "Come on, Migs. Let's grab some drinks. I'm kinda thirsty." 

Miguel smiles a little and stands up before giving a thumbs up sign to his friend, "Goodluck." He mouths and goes to buy drinks with Sam.

As soon as Sam and Miguel leave, James approaches Valerie, "Hey. I heard you're trying out for taekwondo later." 

"Yeah, I'm kinda nervous actually," she replies. The blonde-haired boy holds both her hands and squeezes them softly, "You got this. I'll be cheering you on later." Valerie rolls her eyes playfully, "Of course you will." 

Miguel and Sam then come back holding three drinks. As soon as Miguel sees James, his expression turns sour and he clicks his tongue out of annoyance. "Doesn't this guy have a life? Why does he keep bothering her?!" He thought before sitting across them still expressionless.

Sam hands over the drink to Valerie, "I got you a sprite." Valerie grins, "Thanks." Sam looks at James and Valerie sitting together and starts teasing them. 

"You two look cute, if you were a couple," Sam says before Miguel starts coughing unexpectedly from that comment.

Valerie immediately stands up and pats him on the back multiple times, worried about her friend. Without them noticing, Sam and James both glare at this interaction between the two. "You okay?" Sam asks Miguel and places his hand on her arm, gently squeezing it. Valerie notices this and immediately goes back to her seat.

"Y-yeah, just drank the Fitz from the drink, that's why I coughed." He starts coughing again but this time looking at James and directing the cough to him, trying to make him go away.

James gives him a disgusted look and stands up, not wanting any of Miguel's saliva on him. "Can't even drink properly smh," he mutters under his breath. 

"What was that?" Miguel hears it and asks, "You really have no concern for someone coughing, damn shame, your parents didn't raise you right." He continues to cough but hides his devilish smile inside.

James clicks his tongue, "You don't know what you're talking about." He turns to Valerie, "Wanna ditch this asshole?" She shakes her head, "No thanks."

He sighs before walking away. Sam's phone then starts ringing. "I gotta go take this. Be right back," she says before heading to a distant tree to answer the call.

Valerie goes beside Miguel, "What was that about?" He looks at her confused, "What do you mean?"

She sighs, "You snapping at James. That was uncalled for." He crosses his arms and furrows his brows, "Well, he was being a douche first." 

His expression softens,seeing how disappointed his friend looks. "Sorry about that," he apologises. Valerie give him a small smile, "It's alright, just be better next time." Miguel nods as a response and she pulls him in for a hug.

Sam starts walking back to the table then sees the two hugging.  Her fists clench in jealousy from what she witnessed. "Just friends my ass," she mutters before heading to her car.


Valerie and Miguel are at the taekwondo tryouts. And waving from afar is James. Valerie waves back at the blonde boy sitting at the benches.

While they wait in line, Miguel gets a call from Sam. He answers but hears an unfamiliar voice, "Hello? Is this Miguel?" 

Valerie mouths, "Who's that?" He shrugs, not knowing who was on the other line. "Yes. Who's this?" He asks the unfamiliar voice.

"I'm a nurse from Oakland Memorial Hospital and Samantha Darling is here in the emergency room," the other person states. His eyes widened in shock, "Is she okay?" 

"She got into a car accident," the nurse says bluntly. "I'll be right there," he says in a serious tone.

"Sorry, Val. I gotta go," Miguel hugs his friend before running. Valerie stands there confused. She sighs and turns her attention to the coach.

"Alright everyone, I'm coach Yim.

 We'll first do some warm ups before starting," the 5'4" middle aged man states. 

Meanwhile, Miguel gets on his motorcycle and rushes to the hospital where Sam is.

Miguel drives faster and going through cars left and right splitting in between them, he suddenly presses his brakes and stops immediately and looks at the stoplight that it's red.

Miguel curses looking around trying to find a short cut and finds an alley he turns his motorcycle on and starts it again before going to the alley. 

As he goes through he ends up in a mini market that is full of people, so he honks at them to step aside and starts speeding off towards the hospital knocking over food and trash bins on the road as he scrambles to get there fast.

Before he arrived at the hospital, Miguel parks his Motorcycle on the entrance and hurriedly goes inside, not even taking off his helmet and goes to the receptionist.

"Miss, is there a patient named Samantha Darling in this hospital?!" He said in a concerned and scared tone.

The nurse looks at him and types in her computer before answering 

"Yes, she's in-" Before she could finish answering Miguel slams his hands on the desk.

"Where is she? Is she fine? How is she? What's her status?" Miguel asked all of the assorted questions to her.

"Sir please, calm down. She was in the emergency room right as-" As Miguel heard her say, She immediately rushed to her.

Miguel then rushes to where Sam is and takes off his helmet before going in.

He closes the curtain for some privacy and goes by her bedside. "She sustained a few minor injuries, nothing major," the doctor states. 

Miguel breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh that's good doc, when can she be discharged?" He asks.

"She could be discharged tomorrow. We'll just make sure she's stable for now," he says before heading out.

Miguel grabs a chair and sits beside her, before holding her hand and caressing it softly. "Please be fine Sam." Before he sighs and thinks about how Valerie is doing. 

Meanwhile, back at school, Valerie is at the last round of the sparring session. "Shijak!" The referee shouts.

She immediately takes the chance to do a back kick on her opponent, giving her a point. The other person gets taken aback, surprised at her sudden offence when she was playing defence the first two rounds.

Back at the hospital, Sam slowly opens her eyes and sees a handsome tan skinned boy before her eyes, "Miguel?" She questions, thinking that she's dreaming right now. "Am I dreaming?" She gently puts her hand on his cheek to check if he's real.

Miguel looks up because he was sleeping."No you're not, stupid. And yes I'm real, like really real, so you can stop with the face touching." He says and chuckles before patting her head softly.

She gives him a soft smile, "I'm glad you're here." 

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