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Once the tryouts were over, they announced Valerie as one of the students that got in.

Sam gives Miguel a small smile, "I'm glad you're here."

"Yeah, I really was concerned. When I heard you got into an accident, I rushed into the hospital to see if you're okay." Miguel says then interlocks his hand with hers.

She puts her other hand on his nape and pulls him closer, closing the distance with a soft kiss.

Miguel was taken a little back but still goes in, kissing back softly before smiling. "Is that saying you like me?"

Sam rolls her eyes and chuckles, "You big dummy. Did you really not know?"

Miguel scratches his head and chuckles."I just thought you were friendly, that's all, I didn't really think you liked me."

She pulls him in again and gives him a peck on the lips. "Now is that being friendly?" 

"Nope, not quite." Miguel thinks for a moment before kissing back and chuckles, "Now we are even."

A thud is heard from the foot of the bed and this causes the two to turn in that direction. There stood Valerie, with a shocked expression on her face.

"I heard about the news so I wanted to come by but I'll leave you two alone," she says before walking out, stopping tears from coming out her eyes.

Miguel immediately goes after his friend, leaving the girl he just kissed alone on the hospital bed.

He grabs her by the arm and stops her from going any further, "Where are you going?" Valerie turns back and retracts her arm. 

She looks down, avoiding eye contact, "I just wanted you guys to have your moment I guess." Miguel places his hand under her chin and gently lifts her head. He looks into her watery eyes, concerned. "Did you cry?" He asks, his hand still on her chin.

She swats his hand away and sighs, "I really think you two would make a good couple. I'm happy for you." 

Miguel stands there tongue-tied, not knowing what to say. Valerie purses her lips before leaving.


A month has passed and the two had grown distant. They still occasionally talk but not as much as they used to.

Their distance has caused Miguel to become closer with Sam and eventually, they start dating.

"Babe, when did you say your game was again?" Sam asks Miguel from across the table before eating a chicken nugget.

"I think it's this Friday. Might be playing here at school, but the coach says there's a possibility that we will play at the opponent's school." He answered while drinking red bull and eating a sandwich.

"Oh cool, will you guys be training late again later?" Sam asks after taking a sip from her boxed orange juice.

"Yeah, probably. Coach has been training us more vigorously lately than ever. I guess the coach doesn't want to break our winning streak." As Miguel says he takes a sip on his drink.

Sam pouts, "I'm gonna miss you, babe. I won't be able to hang out with you later." She groans and leans on her chair, "I'll be so bored."

Miguel pats his head. "You'll be fine, I can come over later if you want, we can watch a movie."

Sam sits up with excitement on her face, "Yes! I'd love that."

Miguel smiles happily. "Alright, it's a date then." He then checks the time on his phone, "I'll head to class early. You coming?"

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