pretty little fears (4)

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garden homes, detroit.

"My baby up." Ryan said in a raspy morning voice.

"I'll get her." Chance threw the covers aside.

They both moved around in the bed a little half sleep hearing Sevyn's cries.

"Nevermind." Ryan said grabbed Chance.

"Wassup?" He said in a frisky tone.

"Boyyyy. Move." She threw his hand.

"You grabbed me like you wanted some..."

"No, I grabbed the first body part half sleepy with my back turned, you so fuckin horny. She on her way in here." Ryan chuckled.

"How you know?"

Couple seconds later they watched  little hands push their bedroom door open.

"I'm a motha." Ryan nodded.

Kali had her sister in her arms.

"Ayooo." He laughed.

"Angelface, you took her out? " Chance laughed some more, it was funny as hell to him.

"Goooood Morning MaMa and Mommiee." Ryan held her arms out. Sevyn's hair was all over her head, no bonnet, one cheek hanging out her diaper and onsie all types of messed up.

"Somebody slept good." Ryan smiled fixing both girls into the bed.

"Morning Mommy, Morning Daddy." Kali snuggled with her dad.

"Morning Princess." Chance bear hugged her making Kali squeal with laughter.

"Hiya!" Sevyn curled up in the bed on top of her dad.

"Oh Fuck me." Ryan shrugged.

Chance smirked.

"MaMa why you be crying like that?" Chance kissed her.

Ryan just looked at them. Then snuck out the bed.

They were some of her favorite humans. But she did get a little jealous- she understood though because she loved the hell out of her dad, too.

"We going to an inside amusement center. That's all I'm telling you, so be dressed for the occasion." Chance told Ryan.

"Okay." She shut the bathroom door.


Sevyn was a bowl of energy in the morning and it was funny. She got into everything.

"MaMa stop climbing on the nightstand." Ryan could see her from the bathroom as she was doing skin care.

"Chance get her she's gonna fall."

"Stop." Chance grabbed her down and put her back on the bed. He stepped into some basketball shorts and he and Sevyn joined Ryan in the bathroom.

"Noooo, go back in the room."

"Hiya!" Sevyn waved at her mom.

Love You Always, Adryan. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat