LOVE - Suhyeok X Reader

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*Your pov*

You wake up, realising that yesterday wasn't a dream. You turn to the side to see Suhyeok, you smile slightly.

*How can someone be so beautiful when they sleep?* You think to yourself.

You stand up and walk over to the window, your back was starting to hurt from the floor. You look out the window seeing the zombies running about mindlessly, searching for food.

As you're deep in your thoughts, a warm breath makes the hairs on your neck stand up.

You turn around quickly to be met with Suhyeok's glare; when he looks towards you, you're sure you feel yourself melting.

He smiles at you.

"What are you doing up?" You say.

"I could say the same to you." He laughed. "I was awake anyway, but I saw you get up too."

He walks over to the window and looks outside too.

"Y/N." He turns to you.

You look up to him and smile, you hum in response.

He looks back up, turns to the window and smiles.

"I like you." He looks back down at me. "I really do, and I wanted to tell you in case something happens."

*He likes me?! What?!* You think to yourself.

"You... You like me?" You smile slightly, he has no idea you like him too.

He continues to look into my eyes. "I think I love you. Even if you don't, I always will."

"I love you too Suhyeok." I say, a smile grows on my face.

His eyes widen and he whisper-yells.

"What?! You like me?!"

I nod in response, slowly smiling in the process.

"I do, I tried to make it unnoticeable incase you didn't feel the same. Which based on your reaction, I did pretty well."

"Why wouldn't I like you? Your smart, pretty, funny. I never thought you would like me though, due to my past. I used to hang out with bullies as you know, and my grades are never better then a 'C' or a bare pass."

I smile. "Yeah, well I don't have th best grades either. Nobody is perfect." I say.

He grabs my hand which is laying on the windowsill, now held in his.

I face him, smiling. I look into his eyes for a minute, then lean in.

Nobody else is awake, so while I had the chance; I kissed him.

He looked surprised at first but then kissed me back. It was amazing, it felt so right.

Oh my did I love him.

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