THUNDERSTORM - Hyoryeong X Reader

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( I swear nobody has ever made a Hyo X Reader fanfic like she is so underrated ?! )

1309 words 😭😭

It's pouring down rain as the thunder settles in, Suhyeok and Cheongsan tying the blankets up as a slight cover.

I decided to stand up to let someone else sit instead, because I didn't mind the rain.

"If we move when the thunder rumbles, we won't be heard." I hear Cheongsan say.

He continues to talk about the plan until Namra speaks up.

"My senses have been mixed up since the thunderstorm started, the zombies are probably the same."

Daesu then stands up from his spot on the floor.

"Well, if that's what the hambie says. Let's go!"

"Hambie?" Someone adds.

"Yeah Hambie, half human half zom-... Someone who is reliable, yeah."

Suhyeok frowns.

Daesu continues "Anyway Namra's strong, she'll keep up."


We turn to Namra. "I'm not strong right now, it's probably because my senses are mixed up."

Everyone goes quiet for a minute, thinking of what we can do. I mean, the helicopter isn't going to be back anytime soon.

I stand up from my crouching position.

"Then we hold hands"

All eyes were on me.

"We go in pairs, so nobody gets left behind."

We follow up with my plan as everyone gets into pairs, Cheongsan places his hand out to Onjo, Suhyeok is with Namra. Wujin and Joonyeong pair up too.

I lean against the wall thinking about what would happen if we didn't make it, but I knew, I just knew we would be okay.

I continue looking to the ground until I see a shivering figure crouching in front of me, Hyoryeong.

I smile, she reciprocates the action.

"Do you..wanna pair up?" She says, I can tell she's nervous about leaving the roof. Who can blame her? We were safe here.

She puts out her hand and I accept her offer, I grab it as she pulls me up with ease.

A few people decide to grab something to fend off the zombies, I walk over and grab a metal pipe.

"I'm scared." Hyo whispers slightly, I turn to face her.

"You'll be okay, I promise." I say, holding her in a comforting manner. "We'll survive together." I smile.

She lets a small smile appear on her face, but I see she is still scared.

I mean who wouldn't be? Zombies were out for us.

I look over to Daesu to see him holding hands with Jimin, I'm glad they are friends otherwise it would have been awkward.

Cheongsan quietly opens the door and makes his way down the stairs with Onjo, everyone else following behind.

We slowly walk down, and arrive at the bottom step of this staircase.

The thunder rumbles and we take that as our chance to run.

Eventually we exit the school and crouch along the wall in front of the bushes.

I pull Hyoryeong by the arm and lightly pull her down, hoping the zombies don't find us.

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