TUTOR - Joonyeong X Reader

66 1 0

Pre apocalypse

437 words

The bell rings, signalling the end of today's lessons. I grab my bag and head towards the classroom door before being stopped by Ms Park.

"Y/N, can I talk to you? It's about your grades."

I turn to face Ms Park and nod slightly as the class empties out.

She smiles softly then grabs a piece of paper. "I know you've been studying recently, but your grades aren't high enough for a pass."

I furrow my brows. "I- sorry I'll work on it, I'll study more!" I bow slightly feeling ashamed.

"That's why I think getting a tutor would benefit you."

I raise my eyebrows. "A tutor? I don't know any tutors.."

"Well, why don't you ask one of your classmates? Maybe Namra, or Joonyeong?"

I look to the side before looking back to Ms Park.

"I don't think Namra would be up for it. I haven't said more than a few words to her, and she's always studying with her earphones in."

"Well I guess you're left with Joonyeong. He's a nice guy, I'm sure he'd be happy to help you!"

"But Ms Park-"

"Go ask him, for your benefit, ask him to tutor you." She interpts.

I slightly nod before bowing and walking out the classroom.

I exit the school and see Joonyeong walking with Wujin and Daesu, I then remember what Ms Park told me so I walked towards them.

"Joonyeong." I say softly, thinking he didn't hear me.

He turns around and takes a few steps towards me before humming slightly in response.

"Uhm- Ms Park, she wants you to tutor me." I lower my head slightly. "But if you don't want to that's fine, she said that I should ask you."

Before Joonyeong had time to respond we heard Daesu and Wujin shout.

"We gotta go!"

"Cya tomorrow!"

He turns to them and nods before turning back to me.

I look at him slightly ashamed that I needed a tutor before he smiles softly.

"Sure, I don't mind." He says. "My house or your house?"

I raise my eyebrows slightly. "You're willing to tutor me?"

He nods. "So who's house?" he continues to smile as he looks at me.

I smile softly. "We could go to my house? It's not too far, plus my parents are away until tomorrow."

"Let's go then!" He says as I begin to walk beside him.

"Thank you, I mean it." I say, smiling as I look towards him.

I see a slight tint of pink grow on his cheeks and he smiles back. "It's not a problem."


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