her wishlist

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Mason sits at her desk quietly after coming back inside from spending time with Riley outside on her front porch. It had been quite the night. She was starting to forget things and she wasn't ever a fan of how she tends to forget little the things she hoped to cherish and remember for a long time. But sometimes it just happens. When things between them get a little too good, it all becomes a blur, and it's never been fun trying to hurriedly find the time to hide away and write.

She opens her desk drawer and pulls out her diary in a hurry—pulling on the pink ribbon and opening up the last page she'd written on.

her wish list
1. to run under the pouring rain ✓⃝
2. to go on rides with them ✓⃝
3. to fall asleep on their lap  ✓⃝
4. make a bold move (kiss her, even on the cheek)

Mason smiles giddily as she looks at the fourth thing on Riley's wish list. Except, this isn't actually her wish list—Riley's wish list is tucked away in her own room under a stack of things, hidden away, never to be seen.

Her diary had been left open on Mason's desk a couple Saturday's ago when Riley had been over for study. It wasn't Mason's intention to look. It looked at her first. And how could she not notice when it was cutely decorated by the very cute person that designed it?

At first, she was disheartened. Thinking that the wish list was intended for someone in particular, but by the looks of it, it didn't seem so. Or so Mason thought. And still thinks. She hopes.

She decided to note some of them down on a piece of scrap paper lying around on the floor. It was almost a life or death situation trying to write everyone down quickly before Riley had returned from her shower. Yes, sometimes she takes showers at Mason's house.

When she heard the shower stop running, Mason quickly threw the scrap paper into the bin, making sure it looked crumpled enough to look like another piece of trash, when in fact, it was some crucial information for her.

Mason hurriedly closed the diary and made her way over to her window to which she shut closed and then flung herself onto her bed. Just in time she thought. Within seconds, the bathroom door unlocks and Riley walks in with a towel wrapped around her body, cheeks rosy.

"Hey, loser. What are you doing?"

Mason shrugs her shoulders, "Reading."


Riley furrows her brows. "What exactly?"

Mason bites her lower lip and pulls out her phone from her pocket, "Just a silly little AU I found on twitter. Nothing special."

"You read those?" She questioned.

"And you don't?" She said.

Riley rolls her eyes and laughs. "Look, I won't judge if you're into that stuff. Some of the best things I've read are purely fan fiction."

Mason nods her head as to agree, only to turn her head, and then her whole body to face the wall. Riley had become way too comfortable around her. She's changing. Here.

Even though she held no sight of the older girl, Mason shut her eyes closed and started thinking about the things she saw on the wish list.

She wondered if maybe, just maybe, she could fulfil those wishes. Until her feelings were no longer one sided and unreciprocated.

Mason ticked off the fourth thing on the list. There was still more to come. She couldn't wait to start ticking them all of too. But there was only one issue. Mason wasn't exactly sure why the last and final thing on Riley's list had been covered up by white out. Was she unsure? Made a mistake? She could only laugh at her past self that tried to look for pen marks on the previous page but to no avail, had no luck.

The last thing on her version of Riley's wish list was a bunch of question marks in a row. Truly, it had her questioning. Mason couldn't sit still at the thought of her being able to complete everything but one on that list. Whatever it was, she wanted to be able to check it off.

She wouldn't feel accomplished otherwise. And so she sits at her desk. Racking her brain off all sorts of things that Riley could possibly want her person to do. And Mason could only wish that Riley would divert her attention from this random unknown person and onto her instead.

She was completely unaware of her competition. But then again, she doesn't hear much from Riley about them...if they even exist.

At the end of the day...Riley spends the most time with her and that's all that matters right?

After all...had they not been friends, Mason would simply be some tutor helping a student get on track—even if they already were. But requirements are requirements. And that's what their arrangement was. But it isn't just that anymore. It's two close friends now.

But one has secret feelings she's been pushing deep down, and the other completely oblivious and much about her feelings is unknown.

She wasn't sure how long she could keep it that way. Hiding it had become super complicated. Especially now that they've been doing things they hadn't done before. Like kissing each other's cheeks for example. Friendly? Who knows.

Mason herself wasn't sure if what she did was out of platonic affection or simply, just her, and her heart wanting to do something she's been dying to do, and having it be something that she could also tick off of the wish list.

She didn't want to be hopeless.

She didn't want to be assuming.

But she was growing especially tired of what things were starting to be between them.

All she wanted to know if her feelings were at all reciprocated. Or if it were time for her to move on from her life and stop this.

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