❛ Graduation: Part One ❜

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⌗ 38
mason ✎ᝰ

I'm sprawled across the leather couch as I hear the doorbell ring. "I'll be there in a second!" My mum yells loudly from across the hall. "Mason, turn the TV off and go get ready." She added.

I shake my head. "It's too much effort." I groan. The couch has never felt more comfortable in my life as it does in this exact moment. I can't help but stare at the beautiful man being unveiled on my flat screen TV. I act like it's my first time seeing Conrad Fisher—but it's not. He's just so beautiful. I find myself gawking at the mere sight of him as the front door opens. "Veronica!"

The sounds of footsteps bustling through the front door drives my gaze away from the young boy for the first time since I put the show on. "Clarissa, it's so wonderful to see you!" Riley's mother steps inside looking radiant. She's wearing a long fitted white dress. Her dad follows in behind her in a checkered tux. "Mark, hello." I watch my mother greet them politely.

"I didn't know they were coming over." Renz hits my shoulder lightly as I stand up from the couch. "Did you know they were coming?" She asked.

I nod. "Of course I did. They're my girlfriend's parents. Mum thought it would be nice to head to the school together now that both sides know."

I finally broke the news to my parents. The business trip had gone on much longer than expected—keeping them away from home and away from the news I had been dying to tell them. I remember feeling nervous. I wasn't sure what to expect. I felt dizzy and had hot flashes till the very last second, only for my mum to tell me that it was "not even subtle." I couldn't believe it. "I knew you were going to fall for her eventually. I was curious when you'd tell us."

I could play the whole conversation out in my head. It's drilled deep into the parts of my brain labelled Riley; very important. My mum had always been quite supportive of queer relationships—even before I realised I liked girls.

I couldn't say the same about my Dad though. He couldn't quite understand it, and although it took him some time, he finally got around to it. A big part of me was more nervous about my Dad's reaction. The whole idea of him being upset made me feel like I'd be miserable forever. But it wasn't the case for him either.

He too, like my mum, had agreed that "it was never subtle. The way you look at her was more than enough..." I remember my little sister almost choking on her water at my dad's remark.

Renz and Mika were absolutely ecstatic. They helped me prepare a homemade dinner and they even took the time to help me prepare my speech. They both took turns pretending to be my parents at the table as I recited my speech. It took me several tries to realise that doing it from the heart would be much easier—so I scraped the speech and when the time came around, I did it.

I felt a weight off my shoulders when I looked at them both. My parents had big warm smiles across their faces as they looked up at me and then to Riley. I had never felt happier.

"Thank you for allowing me to date Maisie." Riley smiled. "I was just as nervous as she was..." Her face had gone a faint shade of red.

Riley was absolutely phenomenal. She held extensive conversations with my Dad about his interests and hers and found some common ground. Afterwards, she helped Mum and I out in the kitchen. We cleaned up together and made it a cute team effort. My mum was super happy to have gotten to know Riley a lot more than she did previously. "I knew those tutoring sessions weren't all that." My mum shared. I remember freezing in my place in shock. "Hey, it's nothing like that..." I replied. Riley couldn't help but laugh. "We just cuddle. And..." My mum raised a brow and nodded. "Sure, Mason." I put the bowl in hand on the kitchen counter. "Well how would you know?" My voice squeaky. Riley had burst into a fit of laughter. My mum just looks at me with a wide grin as she wipes her hands dry. "I wasn't born yesterday." I remember shrugging my shoulders in defeat. So maybe my mum knows we make out or whatever...maybe a lock would be a good investment no?

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