Chapter 5: Why Is No One Talking To Regulus?

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A/N: Lol sorry for the late update. I got sucked into watching the games Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2 played on youtube and playing animal crossing. Basically, I was having a depressive episode so yeah. Also, I wrote this chapter on the way to take a tour and talk to admin at my brothers maybe college. And during said talk to admin. So. Yeah. I DID THIS FOR YOU!!

When Regulus and Remus got back to the compartment and only saw Sirius and James with a noticalbe absences of Evan and Barty both Regulus and Remus were confused and concerned about what had happened when they were gone. James and Sirius seemed to be in a heated discussin that was suddenly stopped when they noticed Remus and more speficly Regulus, had come into the compartment.

"Whats going on? Where is Evan and Barty?" Regulus asks extermly confused looking at his brother then James for answers. Sirius seemed pissed by all means when the names came up again and James looked upset with more guilt mixed in. In fact the more Regulus looked at James face the more it looked like he was upset at himself and gulity about what he did.

"I don't know and I quite frankly don't care." Sirius snaps with more aggression then the situation warnted. Though Regulus was used to this side of Sirius having been the brunt of it many times before.

"You didn't answer my question about what happened." Regulus responded glaring at his brother then crossing his arms. When there was no response this avgerated the younger Black. "Ugh! Just tell me!" He shouted at the 2 idotic Gryffindors. Honestly, they may be brave and smart on occansion but never expect them to just fucking talk to you about what is going on. Regulus was never a fan of the whole "running around each other" that his brother and his brother's friends—inculding Evan on occasion— did.

"We can't tell you." James says with a bit to much panic that would warrnet this. So obsivusly Regulus was now focused on James who was now regetting that he had brought attention to himself. James was now the focus of Regulus' intergation.

"What do you mean you can't tell me?" Eyes narrowing rapidly and James could not help the gulp that came out of him. No one wanted that glare of gray eyes on them, no matter how beatiful they were.

Remus seemingly coming out of nowhere a face of reconicion crossing his face as he stepped between them. "Regulus, why don't you go talk to Evan and Barty. I will handle things from here."

Regulus felt hurt that they didn't want to talk to him about what this was about. Where they scared that he would judge them? Be angry with them? Sure he can be harsh—and never tell anyone that he admitted that—but these were what he considered his friends. And he would always listen to a friend and help them if he could. They must not have been as close as he thought. Which stung more then he would ever admit. He felt betrayed even though he had no right to expect honesty and trust from them. It hurt. Regulus just nodded making sure his face didn't fall from the netural expression it usually carried. He didn't really show emotion in his face so it wasn't that hard. But tears where hard to hide so he left before they could relazie he was on the verge of tears.

Before going to scout for where his friends ended up he stopped by the changing room on the train going itno one and shutting the door. He looked at himself in the mirior seeing a tear or 2 slip out. Luckly no one was around since it wasn't even half way through the train ride so no one was changing,

"You need to stop. If you don't stop the nyou aren't going to stop crying." Regulus told himself breathing deeply in. Then out. In. Out. In. Out. "Why am I acting like this?" Regulus asks himself and then laughs. He feels like a sterotypical love sick girl that was crying in the bathrrom because she didn't get the guy of her dreams. But this wasn't that. I guess he kinda thought there was more trust there then there actually was. As though someone was putting up a roose that there was more there then he thought. Regulus thought he was in a good place with his brother and his friends but turns out he is not. Maybe it was the fantsay of trust being broken that hurts or maybe it was the thought that people trusted him in ways he never thought.

Regulus was somehow able to pull himself together though the feeling of crying was stronger then he would like to admit. He was pretty sure where he was going to find them. They probably ran off to whever Pandora and her boyfriend are and there was only one compartment.

When Regulus opened the door there they were talking but they stopped all of the sudden. They probably "can't tell you either" but he pushed it out of his mind. These were his friends since they were little kids. Of course they are going to trust him.

"Want to tell me why we're hiding out here?" Regulus asks his friends and they all look at him with owlish eyes as if he wasn't supposed to be here. Which he suposes is in fact true considering that he was in the compartment with the others. Though Evan and Barty aren't supposed to be there either so they should not be looking at him like that.

"You can't know!" "Why don't you talk to your brother!" Where both shouted at him by Evan and Barty, who said which he was not sure. All he knew was that he was not wanted or trusted by anyone he knews apparnetly. Again he put on the normal face and nodded, he could not trust his voice in any case here. Once he shut the door hsi tears seemed to want tosting out his eyes like they wasps. They were threatened so they must attack. In this case the wasps are his emotions and the threats were him thinking he had a higher amount of trust in the people he calls friends. Maybe he was only trusted for the smaller things in their live s while they talked around him about their bigger and more real problems. Before Regulus could let himself cry some spoke out to him.


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