Chapter 6: People Talk. . .Maybe Not To Everyone They Need To But They Do Talk

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A/N: Hey y'all, here I thought I could get away from posting for a day since ao3 was down lol. Jokes aside I want to give the biggest and most kudos to the ao3 volunteers. They were able to get this baby up and running in 28 hours when it could have taken weeks. Please give your love to these people. Also, there is a scam going on at Twitter the handle @Ao3_Status_ (the official ao3 Twitter is @Ao3_Status one _ not 2) is scamming people by asking for donations. Please go and report them and DO NOT give them your money they are NOT the official ao3 donations. These poor volunteers are having to deal with a lot.

Anyways when ao3 was down I did a lot of writing lol. Instead of reading fanfic I was posting more my Tumblr then I have in a month and writing one-shots which I can't wait to get to you guys. Anyways I hope that y'all enjoy this chapter. 

Regulus turns to see who called out his name, the way the tears were stabbing his eyes didn't go away so they would know that he was crying. Thankfully it was just Lily and Severus so he was at least kinda okay with crying a little bit in front of them. Just a little bit though.

"Are you okay?" Severus asks and that just broke the camel's back and he started crying, which made Severus bristle but he did try to comfort his friend by awkwardly patting him. Lily—being the best with emotions out of the two took—Regulus into a hug and Severus did not stop patting him. It did make Regulus feel better. His friends—granted it they weren't that close but still friends—were there and he calmed down quickly with embarrassment coming quickly after him.

"Sorry for, well, all of that," Regulus says, turning red and not making eye contact with them. "Just," Regulus waves his hand as if that would help express everything that he felt and witnessed. "Ugh, it is stupid."

"Regulus, if it makes you feel bad then it probably isn't as you put it "stupid."" Severus says in what is probably going to be the most emotional thing that he is going to get for a week at least. Probably a month would be a better estimate but he is glad that his friends care.

"Me and Remus walked the compartment because of Prefect duties," Lily raises an eyebrow at that which made Regulus add more than he originally was going to. "Look he just wanted to talk to me about something or the other anyways that is not the point. When we got back they had split into different compartments and when I went to see what the hell was going on and both told me to go to the other. For some reason they just won't talk about it to me specifically. And well it hurt. Cause you know all of my friends told me to leave and go to the other it just hurt." Regulus says, sighing and whipping the spare tear that fell from his eyes.

"Oh Reggie, it is not stupid. I am sure that if I was put in a similar situation that I would react in some kind of way. Whether that is yours or yelling at them or something." Lily says hugging Regulus is bad for him. It is hard when you feel like your friends are ignoring you and seemingly not trusting you with their feelings.

"How about you just hang with us for the rest of the train ride? So you can get some space. Does that sound good?" Lily asks and Regulus nods and they go into a compartment.


After Regulus left to go find wherever Evan and Barty had run off to, Remus looked at his 2 friends who already looked guilty.

"I am guessing that James and Evan's plan with "wooing Regulus" came up?" Remus asks though it is not really a question that he is seeking an answer for. Based on how James reacted to it was all the confirmation that Remus needed. Which just made Remus pinch the bridge of his nose hand on his hip and sighed deeply.

"Wait. You too knew about all of this?" Sirius asked with more of a hurt tone then Remus thought this whole thing warranted. But this was Sirius' brother and his best friend and his best friend's boyfriend we are talking about so he must feel at least a little weird about the whole thing. It is only natural to do so.

"Yes, I did. James talked to me about it, while I was talking about...other things. But that is not the point. Mind telling me what is going on and how this seemingly got blown out of operation."

At this point there was now more tension between the 2 Gryffindor friends as if they were having a fight about which one is going to explain it to Remus. Eventually James lost this said soundless fight because he sighed and looked at Remus who went even more into his You Better Explain This: Mom Looking Edition™.

"Well so you and Regulus left the compartment and Sirius accused Evan and I of hitting on Regulus."

"Like you couldn't have made it more obvious." Sirius sneers interrupting James from his account of what happened. Remus glared at Sirius to shut the fuck up and looked quickly looked back at James eyebrow now raised, as if he was trying to say go on.

"Anyways to make a long story short me and Evan got into a disagreement about whether we should tell Sirius about it and then Evan got all mad because I just went and told him and then Sirius got all mad about Evan not wanting to tell him about it. Then Evan said "I didn't want to tell you because you overreacted like a monkey!" And Sirius get all offended by that so Evan stormed out of the comparnet I went after him. Got into a disagreement about what was said he stormed off to most likely Pandora and Barty did something and stormed off. Again most likely with Evan to Pandora. Now I don't know what happened there." James finished giving Sirius a pointed look that clearly that it was his turn to tell Remus what was going on.

"Barty agreed with Evan and I may have gotten upset with him because he did that." Sirius says and Remus gives him a look. "Okay I got mad at him that he agreed and. . .yeah I over reacted to the whole situation didn't I?"

Remus lets out a deep breath and sits next to Sirius putting his arm around the shorter boy. "Well at least you got there yourself and I didn't need to tell you. We should probably give it a bit and give everyone time to cool off. How about we go talk to them when we are closer to getting to Hogwarts. That way you can apologize and give them time before they accept it or whatever."

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