Chapter 5 (*'-')

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"Professor Chaos!!" Mysterion shouted, professors Chaos' attention was already at hi..

"Mysterion! So this is where you vanished off to. May have been six years but- did you change your outfit? It looks so more modern~" Professor Chaos said as he got closer to Mysterion to only get slapped in the face.

"What was that?!?" Chaos asked.

"If you don't know what it was, it's what you can call a bitch slap. I told you I would punch you if you tried, consider this a warning." Mysterion replied with, Chaos just chuckled.

"I missed you." Chaos said, Mysterion just scoffed in reply.

Then silence was the only thing that filled the place for only a few seconds.

"Well, why are you here?" Mysterion asked, Chaos just chuckled.

"Well~, I had my little suspicion that you could be here and many reporters went missing and I didn't even lift a finger so I just had to see what the problem is. And thus, here I am! And so are you!" Chaos said with glee.

"I'm not in the mood to fight so don't try and get cocky with me." Mysterion warned him, Chaos just laughed.

"Oh silly! I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm here to find you and win your heart like I said I would!" Chaos explained, Mysterion sighed.

"Just shut up." Mysterion said as he walked away, Chaos remained stunned for a second or so before going after him.

"Oh come on Mysterion! You vanished for 6 years and you are just as stubborn as ever! Why not loosen up a little?" Chaos asked, Mysterion just looked at him.

"Many things have changed since the last time we seen one another. That's all you need to know." Mysterion replied with.

"Okie-dokie, so why are you here?" Chaos asked with a grin on his face.

"I need to find the truth out about this place, Zarnoth apparently has a dark history to it according to my source." Mysterion answered but looked at Chaos.

"Why are you so curious about it?" Mysterion asked, Chaos shrugged.

"Just curious on why you were here. But I also hear their is this lady who is trapped in a crown that apparently holds the truth to everything!" Chaos said.

"And how is that going to help?"

"Well.... Apparently its somewhere here." Chaos said, Mysterion raised an eyebrow.


Chaos nodded, still with a grin in his face.

"Explain now." Mysterion demanded.

"Well, I don't know the whole story but.... Apparently someone discovered that one certain lady had incredible powers that could show the truth of any history depending on what world she is on. The person came up to her and requested her knowledge but she sadly refused as she can't do it under the light of day. They were furious that their request was declined and thus they murdered her in cold blood. All they left was a crown and apparently her soul is now trapped within the crown and hidden in the castle where she is safe. If the story holds truth, we will find the crown there." Chaos explained as he pointed to a massive building covered in ruins.

"So that's where we will look?" Mysterion asked, Chaos shrugged.

And thus, the two walked on and towards the ruined castle.


"Kelly, You hungry?" Kyle asked as he looked through some old photos on his phone.

"No, I'm good." Kelly replied as the conductor walked into the room, spotting some random bloxy game on the TV.

"What is that on the screen?" The conductor asked.

"It's Minecraft, Kelly seems pretty good at it." Stan replied.

"I have inventory saved so I will never loose my stuff, it's funny cause Dad never looses his stuff eaither!" Kelly said, The Conductor just nodded.

"Right.... Why did you call me a pony princess two days ago?" The conductor asked, still confused abiut the whole thing.

"You have magic and a pony I know has magic to! I only added two and two together to know your secret!" Kelly said proudly, The Conductor just sighed and nodded before leaving the room.

"Soon.... Very soon this will all be over...." the conductor mumbled to himself as he went outside.

"The truth will be freed and it'll all be over...."

[Editors note: Hey! I'm sorry this story hasn't been updated in a bit... I had a few chapters lined up but idk how but they got muddled up and had to get deleted as I kept putting them back in they would go into another random order. I am making them all over again :,) my suffering us for real right now... 5 chapters down the drain.]

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