Chapter 6 '~'

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{Short Chapter, my appologise....}

"Whoever created this place surly is amazing at creating things! I should hire him as a minion!" Chaos said.

"What happens if whoever created this was a girl. Don't go discriminating people you don't know." Mysterion said, Chaos huffed in response.

"You don't always have to believe in gender rights do you??" Chaos asked, Mysterion nodded in response.

"Wait.... Are you even a man?" Chaos asked, Mysterion just chuckled.

"Everyone knows something about the other but gender and sexuality can be the most confusing part of it all-"

"Are you a dad or something?! I don't need to be taught a lesson" Chaos complained.

"Yes, I have a daughter." Mysterion responded with as he continued to keep walking, leaving Chaos stunned and even more confused.

"Okay... WHAT?!?" Chaos shouted as he ran towards Mysterion, asking more question about this surprise he has just spilled.

"YOU have a child?! Your a woman?! How old is this girl?! Why-"

Before he could continue to say anything, Mysterion covered his mouth and shutting him up.

"First off, I am a man not a women let's get that clear. Second, we don't talk about it." Mysterion replied with before removing his hand and walking off towards the abandoned castle.

Chaos remained stunned again, his mind trying to quickly process everything that has juts happened before he ran after him once again.

"So, did they ever find out who killed her? The lady of the crown." Mysterion asked, Chaos shrugged.

"I don't think they ever did, it was never mentioned in anything. However, a theory went around saying how they believe a very trusted friend of the king was responsible if I'm correct they were given the title conductor if I am correct? But I don't know." Chaos responded with.

"Anything about this conductor person then?" Mysterion asked, hoping it wasn't the same person he met.

"They say this conductor person was extremely close to the king and was gifted their title as they knew the person who created something very important... But it was never discussed." Chaos explained, Mysterion nodded as they came up to the castle.

"This is the place. If it's like you said, the king possibly hidden it deep down in the lower grounds of the castle and possibly underground." Mysterion said as the two just looked at the castle.

"Or some would call it a basement..." Chaos stuttered.

Mysterion just sighed before making his way closer towards the castle gate, Chaos walked slowly behind him.

"What are you hoping to find Mysterion? A nude of me?" Chaos said, Mysterion just looked at him as if he was asking if he was serious.

"I'm hoping to find the truth, what truly happened here. If anything, know the full truth of the past." Mysterion said, pushing open the castle doors.

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