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"Have they begun??" The mysterious person asked, the hooded figure shook their head.

"No, the traitor has already left this area! They have to be caught immediately!!" The hooded figure said

"What do we do then?!?" The mysterious figure asked.

"We have to find The Lady of the crown to find our next move-"

"Isn't she dead?!?"

No! She is still alive- Well... Her soul is and that's what in the crown." The hooded figure replied with.

The mysterious figure sighed and nodded.

"What about him?"

"What about him? He's a traitor and is possibly trying to destroy anyone who gets in his way. Or he's already after the lady herself."

The two kept searching the cabin but yet nothing prevailed in their search.

"This isn't going to be good is it?" The hooded figure asked, the mysterious one nodded.

"We have to find them before it's too late!! For all we know, they could be after the ruler of-"

"Don't ever speak of it!" The hooded figure shouted before the other could finish.

"What if he is? What if he found someone who would help him do he can win without lifting a finger?" The mysterious figure asked, the hooded one shrugged their shoulders.

"We have to find them and stop their plan before it's to late! Come on! We can check the closes town and go on from there!" The hooded figure said, the other one nodded as the two fled the cabin.

Not even knowing they were being watched by the individual they were searching for.

"So I guess our little game is soon about to then? I sadly can't allow that until u find what I need.... My cabin is no longer safe... but I always have a back up plan...."

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