Chapter 8

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"Alright Class, Today we have two new students so let's give them a lovely welcome." The teacher said as she walked over to the door and opened it, a male and female entered the classroom.

"I want everyone to meet Sophie and Theodore Tucker. They've recently moved here from their lovely adventure in Australia. Would you two like to say something?" The teacher asked, Sophie and Theodore remained silent.

The silence became a bit awkward for everyone.

The teacher soon broke the silence.

"Well, we are so happy to welcome you here. Their is two seats next to Kelly so go sit there and we will begin!" The teacher said, the two nodded before walking their way to the seats.

Kelly turned her head to look at the two new students before turning her head back as the teacher began to talk away about a few things.

The teacher kept talking about the daily subject that was learned the day prior, so not many students really pay attention to it as they've already got it down.
Probably because they had a substitute teacher and not their actual teacher.

Soon enough the bell rang and all the students left, the teacher saying her goodbyes to them before sitting at their desk to do somethings all set for tomorrow's session.
The school day was over.
Kelly and the two new ones stayed behind.
Kelly was use to this as she would meet with her father after school. But the reality dawned on her that she can't wait on him today as he wasn't here.
Kelly sighed before getting her stuff sorted in her backpack to go outside.

"Hey, today wasn't so bad... Right?" Kelly overheard Theodore say to his sister, Kelly lifted her head up to see the other two.

"It.... It was alright.... Why did we come here again?....." Sophie asked as she just held a tight grip to her backpack.

"Dunno, Dad and father said the spiders and snakes were to dangerous and this was their hometown so~. They want us to be safe and I'm guessing make new friends?"

"Mo one here.... This isn't fun.... I miss my old friends.... No one wants us here-"

"That isn't true. I can be your friend if you guys want." Kelly said, interrupting Sophie. The two looked at Kelly as Kelly just smiled at the two.

"You would?" Theodore asked, Kelly nodded quickly.

"I've been here since I was young so I can happily show you guys around if you like!" Kelly said, Theodore nodded while Sophie slowly nodded at Kelly's suggestion.

With that, the three went around the school. Kelly just pointing out all of the rooms.
The art room, music room, the teachers lounge. Everywhere.
The whole school was shown to the two. Theodore and Sophie really interested by the whole thing.

It wasn't long before Kelly showed the two the whole school.

"And that's it! The whole place, when you go to lessons it gets easier to get around." Kelly said with glee.

Theodore thanked Kelly for it all. Sophie nodded.

Soon enough, the three left the building to see Kyle and Stan talk to two people that Kelly didn't notice.

But her new friends did.

"Dad! Father!" Theodore and Sophie said as the two dashed towards the two mystery people, the two saying hello to the smaller ones.

"Hey Kelly! Sorry, I guess we lost track of time." Stan said as Kelly walked up to the six.

"Kelly, this is Craig and Tweek. Their two old friends of ours and your father before they moved for a bit." Kyle said, Craig and Tweek said their hellos before having to leave.

With that, Kyle, Stan and Kelly walked their separate ways to the others.

[Next Chapter - Back with Mysterion and Chaos]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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