Teachings of Marx

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What you just have read is propaganda. As the following text will be so too. It is in some way, laughable. How religious the Communism really is. The Marx trough the iconology and following cult can be compared to none other than Jesus Christ. Now Marx have developed his ideas specifically because of number of factors. His surroundings is one thing. We cannot judge him for being scared at how the factory workers were treated. The conditions were horrible. They were overworked, exhausted and with no future. Yet with time and reforms it led to contrary. His Manifesto says that oppression from the bourgeoise is constant. The proletariat has to rise and kill them to gain freedom and create paradise. The revolution did not happen in his country of writing – UK – as the living conditions actually improved. Capitalism and industrial revolution created middle class. Yes, the factories were terrible for workers but if they were not better than the countryside agriculture not that many would flee to them.
Now to understand why does the Communism believe in simple line:

Oppression -> Revolution -> Paradise

We must understand the popular belief of then Europe. Why it went into such individuality and progress? This is a very complex topic. To understand Marxism we need to know one thing. Most religions operate on cycles. Hinduism has reincarnations. Shamanism believe we are one with nature and spirits. This is the mentality of not Abrahamic religion. Empires come and go. Cities rise and fall. But a Jew, Christian and a Muslim will not see it that way. The ultimate goal in those religions is the commune with God in Heaven. It goes like this:

Life on Earth -> Death -> Paradise

Well, similar is it not? This is the idea of progression. That things can be only better. Tell a scientist we will have a recession and he will laugh. Everyone is surprised at abandoned cities. This is why they are such a fascination. Western minds cannot comprehend the idea of destruction of a culture. Even in apocalypse scenarios we see remnants. Remnants of governments or someone trying to rekindle the lost civilization. It is a failed endeavour. Just look at the Roman Empire impostors. It can be argued that Buddhism does indeed have a heaven per se. Nirvana. Yet the practices one must achieve to gain enlightenment are too big of a wall to climb for normal men. Culture is mostly built by regular men. Not monks or nuns.

Back to Marx. This is one of many arguments as to why communists are inertly catholic. They promise the same thing. That all will go well after the Glorius Revolution. I can go into detail for what they promise and think will happen when they get to rule but there is simply too much and almost all of it can be abolished too easily. I will though speak of the utopia. This is what they call it. Marxist utopia. From Greek – no place. Reality is flawed. Life is brutal. Life is harsh. Life is dirty. Thinking of utopia will lead you nowhere. No system will ever be perfect. No position not absolutely incorruptible. No piece of land restored to detail. No ecosystem becoming what it was 200 years ago. When thinking of worldview, when creating future. We must of course always try to do good. Or the right thing. Not every right thing is good thing. The existence is flawed. Which the delusional communists could not see.

Philosophers tend to believe in something they do not really have. Example, Nietzsche was a cripple and believed in strength and transcending humanity. Marx history is that he was a jew. What did jews did not have in his times? Acceptance. But pumped to extreme, Marx also left Judaism. Leaving him ostracized from both his community and strangers. No wonder he found himself comrades with nihilists and why it is such an important feature of Communism. Communism is ever accepting of proletariat above countries because of this part of Marx's life. Communism tries to build a new society and abandon all values before it because of Marx's life. An individual commonly can be misled and may believe in false information's. Which is really unexpected then, that Communism speaks of itself as a cult of reason. As Marx's said religion is an opiate for masses (hangover from getting rejected from Judaism and blindly following reason). And what is Communism then?

The reason he speaks of comes from, yet again, Christianity. Religion tends to be misinterpreted as the opium he speaks of. I would gladly write many and I tell you many words about how the Medieval Ages were NOT bad for humanity. The arguments are really simple to abolish.

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