The Date

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A simple date - it was about time.

The two had grown very close ever since they first met - from their first meeting five years ago, up until their sudden reunion during their fight. Sinya and Zark grew from unlikely friends, to a close platonic relationship... to lovers. They agreed to go on a date a month after their return from the MNS's base after their raid on the Steelcore Crusaders' base. Sinya initially suggested to go somewhere typical, like a park or a cafe, but Zark had other ideas.

Zark invited her over to his home - he had kept many secrets from his girlfriend ever since they met, but now, it was time to reveal many of them to her: How did he become immortal? How did he become so powerful? Why was his home in such a unique location?

Sinya happily agreed, and the two parted their ways, awaiting the day of the date. On they day of the date, Sinya slipped herself into a nice pair of clothes - a crimson shoulderless shirt with long sleeves which ended in fingerless gloves, slim dark blue sweatpants and a pair of black sneakers with white soles. She took a look at herself in the mirror, striking a pose to look at herself - she was happy with how she looked.

After half an hour, Zark rang on the door of Sinya and her family's new home - a villa in a wealthy neighborhood. Exto opened the door, surprised to see Zark:

Ex - "Greetings, Zark. What do we owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Z - "I'm looking for Sinya, where is she?"

Ex - "Ah, she's over in her room. I'll call her real quick. Wait here."

Z - "Okay."

Exto entered the house, disappearing from Zark's view. He knocked on the door of Sinya's room:

S - "Yes?"

Ex - "Sinya, it's me Exto. Zark is over at the door - he's looking for you!"

S - "Thanks, dad. I'll be right there!"

She quickly ran over to the doorway and faced Zark. The two greeted and hugged eachother:

S - "Hello, Zark!"

Z - "Hello, Sinya. You look lovely as always."

S - "Aww, thank you Zark. You look great, too!"

Z - "Ah, thank you."

Z - "I have to say, these clothes look pretty cute on you."

S - "Now you're just flattering me~"

Z - "No, I'm serious."

S -"Well, I'm ready to go whenever you are."

Z - "Then grab my hand, and I'll take us to my home."

Zark grabbed Sinya's hand and teleported them over.

Upon appearing in the yard of Zark's home, Sinya immediately noticed something new - Zark had planted many flowers around his house - pretty blue, purple, white and yellow flowers. Zark told her that he found his yard to be a bit bland and wanted to spice it up. Sinya exclaimed that it was much prettier thanks to his decision. He invited her over to his house. Once inside, Zark headed over to the living room's table, picking up something, but hiding it behind his back. He then turned around, walking up to Sinya and presenting to her a bouquet of roses. Sinya was really grateful for his gift, giving Zark a kiss on the cheek. The two sat on the dining table, where Zark had prepared some food and drinks for the two of them.

On the table, the two talked quite a bit:

S - "I like what you've done with the place, Zark. Just one small change and it became so much better!"

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