Chapter 1 - Escalation

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During the evening after the impromptu crackdown on the "Lux Redemptionis" cult, the observation and intelligence centre of the MNS headquarters is the busiest it has been in a long time. Mir looks down at the many monitors laid on the wall in front of him with his arms crossed as his intelligence specialists on the desks below him worked tirelessly together with the many spies throughout Mobius to find where the leader of the cult had fled to. Such a powerful enemy was not something he could afford to let escape. As they searched, numerous reports of tiny towns in the outer rim of Mobius becoming ghost towns began emerging - every passing moment without any results made the general more and more anxious.

One of the officers got off his desk and walked up to Mir.

? - "General, may I ask something?"

Mir turned to him, curious.

M - "What is it officer?"

? - "Is it really worth it to focus all of our assets on them? Your agent put a hold on their operation and they've fled from their defeat, so musn't we-"

Mir interrupted him.

M - "Did you forget who we are dealing with, officer? That madman at their helm can turn anyone they catch into their mindless, undead slaves! Can't you see already - so many towns have gone silent in such a short amount of time! He's building up another army!"

Mir looked down for a moment.

M - "I feel like this is a hornet's nest we made a big mistake stirring."

The officer looked at him for a second, realizing what's at stake.

? - "I apologize, General. I'll get back to my post."

M - "Thank you, officer, we will get through this."

Before the officer left, Mir put his hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

As the evening went on, Mir was really on edge. The MNS's intelligence network is state-of-the-art - they have all the advanced tech and experienced agents at his command, yet there were still no results from their search.

Late during the night, Mir eventually left the observation centre and headed over to his quarters. He felt like a good night's sleep would help him calm himself down and focus better. He left the building ,making his way down a catwalk . On  the way to his quarters, he thought about the situation at hand as well as the mission that started it all. Sinya had managed to handle the situation pretty well, given her circumstances, but she broke protocol and signed on Zark without his permission. Part of him just wanted to lash out to her, but another part of him couldn't help but respect her quick thinking and decision making - that was a core quality of a good soldier. Even if he didn't listen to a single thing, Zark was a powerful ally whose help they could use, but his total disregard for the law and his childish behavior towards Mir made things unnecessarily difficult. Mir stopped for a moment on the catwalk, leaning on the railing, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He took one out and lit it, putting it in his mouth. He looked up at the night sky, thinking to himself - "How did Sinya even fall for that guy?"

When Mir reached his quarters, he quietly went inside. He took off his coat and hung in on a coat rack and made his way to his bed. As he laid, Mir thought about the threat they were facing now - deep in his mind, he knew he wouldn't be able to save everyone and that the leader will inevitably kill more innocent people no matter how fast they find him, but he knew that he and his people were doing the best they can. Finding it difficult to sleep, Mir got up from his bed and headed to his computer on a nearby desk - there was one last thing he thought he could do.

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