Light of Deceit (Prequel to Revelations)

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(Three months after the MNS Trilogy)

A dark, yet clear and soft night - the calming atmosphere absorbing Mobius's mountain region. A calm wind rustles the leaves of the numerous trees. The peaceful silence was suddenly interrupted by the harsh noise of a helicopter's blades. Making a sharp turn around a mound and flying over a valley not covered by trees, one of its side doors opened and out of it, Sinya emerged - She had a silenced SOCOM pistol in a holster on her right hip, a sheathed HF blade attached to the back of her belt along with two satchels next to it and a silenced P90 holstered on her left hip. Looking down at the valley, she jumped out of the helicopter. She rolled on the floor to absorb the force from the fall as her weapons clanked from the impact and knelt with her left hand pressing on the ground. She lifted up her right hand, touching an earpiece on her right ear with her index finger and middle finger:

S: "Overlord One, this is Zero-Five, do you read?"

M: "Affirmative, Zero-Five - what's your status?"

S: "I've arrived at the AO (Area of Operation)."

M: "Splendid. I must apologize for the abrupt call, Zero-Five, but this situation is urgent."

S: "I didn't even get a proper briefing." - Sinya remarked in a mildly annoyed tone.

M: "Tonight, one of our high-ranking officers disappeared out of the blue. Luckily, a tracker embedded in his uniform allowed us to get hold of where he has been taken. He holds a lot of confidential information, meaning we cannot afford to lose him. You must find him and bring him back to us."

S: "How am I to find him?"

M: "There's a tracking device programmed to follow his tracker's signal in your satchel. We've dropped you at a safe distance from his location. You must find him, Zero-Five."

S: "Roger that, I'll get him back."

M: "I don't doubt it, Zero-Five. Good luck."

After the radio conversation, Sinya got up and looked around - nothing was to be seen and the only noise that could be heard would be the chirping of the crickets. She got up and reached into her satchel to pull out the tracking device she was given. Holding it out in front of her, she waved it around until she picked up the tracker's signal which was pointing towards the nearest mountain. With the signal locked in, she began making her way over.

S: "Alright, here we go."

After the raid on the mountain base of the Steelcore Crusaders, Sinya had joined the MNS once again, this time out of her own volition. She had tried living a normal life for a while, but with what she had been through, the MNS was her best choice. Mir was surprised by her decision, but he didn't let that opportunity go to waste. As compensation for what he had done to Sinya and the rest of the meta-mobians 6 years ago when he first abducted them, Mir had given them a lot more freedom compared to the rest of the soldiers under his command - They were allowed to live outside of the MNS's main headquarters or FOBs, their dress code was much looser and they were only reserved for very important missions or missions they themselves wanted to partake in.

Sinya noticed that the red dot which represented the signal on the tracker's monitor was moving slowly, which meant that she had some time to think about her sudden mission - it was late at night and she was just about to go to sleep until she received the call along with a helicopter to pick her up. She was mildly annoyed by it but she didn't let it get to her.

As she made her way through the forest, she began to hum a song she had been listening to lately in her free time. Everything seemed to be going smoothly so far until a foul stench went past her. She immediately stopped humming and turned towards the source of the stench - an old, rundown shack with a door slightly ajar. She looked down at the tracker and found she was right next to her target.

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