Pixie - Meta-Mobian Phenomenon

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Sometime during the middle of 2006, somewhere, deep in the wild forests of Mobius lived an old hermit - A mobian wolf who was once in a position of power, now living in self-imposed exile for dozens of years. Located near a large river, in a valley surrounded by trees, laid his home - A wooden house the hermit had constructed himself and a farm near the river where he grew his crops.

The wolf did not remember his past, unfortunately - during the beginning of his exile, he had eaten some poisonous fruits which fogged his memories - in his memories, his isolated life was the only one he had lived. Every day, the old wolf would go about his daily routine of tending to his crops and venturing in the forest to search for anything that might prove either interesting or useful, spending the end of the day peacefully fishing, usually catching a fish to eat. It was a simple life, but he was content with it.

And so yet another day began for him - he would get up from his makeshift bed he had made from hay, leaves and fabric which he had sewn himself, and head over to a wooden drawer to get dressed. This time, however, something stuck out to him - as he picked out his clothes of choice for today, he noticed something peculiar hung on the back of the drawer - a dusty, old white coat. The old wolf didn't remember ever wearing such clothes, but upon closer inspection, he found something within the coat's pockets. As he took it out it revealed itself to be a name tag - one, whose text and image were scrubbed away, preventing the hermit from ascertaining who the coat belonged to.

As the wolf got outside, he proceeded to follow his usual routine - first, he headed over to his farm to water the crops and to check if any fruits and/or vegetables were fully grown. Then, he made his way into the forest, beginning his search for trinkets and anything that could prove useful once again. Many hours later, the wolf returned to his home, tired and exhausted. He made his way to his home and took out his fishing rod. He sat next to the river on a chair and threw the hook into the river and began waiting.

Due to his exhaustion and the calm noise of the river, the old hermit fell asleep without noticing. In his sleep he thought about the white coat he had found, and wondered to whom it belonged. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, however, as he felt a sudden pull from the fishing rod. As he awakened, his eyes lit up, thinking he had caught a fish, but then, he took a closer look. What he had caught was the last thing he had expected - from where he was standing the thing which he had caught seemed to be some kind of oval, but what was more intriguing was that a subtle pink glow emitted from it. The wolf was truly intrigued, reeling in whatever he had caught.

As he pulled the mysterious object closer, a certain sound slowly began overpowering the noise of the river - that of crying. As he heard that, the wolf began reeling it in much faster, for concern and worry were building up in the old man's heart. After a minute, he finally reeled it over to him. Now, he could clearly see what he found was - a small oval craft in which laid a crying baby, wrapped in a blanket. The wolf carefully picked it up in his hands:

?- "How could someone do such a thing?"

? - "No... How could someone allow themselves to abandon a child?!"

The wolf looked at the baby's face - it was like a black void, but its eyelashes and eyes were glowing bright pink! As he looked on, he felt a jolt in his mind - he knew those eyes, he had seen many like them before. He received sudden flashbacks from the past which he had forgotten long ago. He remembered his name - John. He remembered the coat - it used to be his. Many foggy images flashed in his mind as he began remembering his past. One of the final memories which he experienced during these flashbacks, was him leaving some sort of journal somewhere in his home - the key to fully uncovering his past, he thought to himself.

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