18 - One More Source

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          "If anything's sketchy or goes south, we're right here," says Dean

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          "If anything's sketchy or goes south, we're right here," says Dean.

I nod, looking towards the familiar porch and door. I exhale loudly. All this time I've been away... I don't know what kind of condition my mom will be in.

As though I'm a stranger begging for scraps, I timidly get out of the idle Impala. I take the slow walk up to the door. At least she's home, the car indicates that much. She didn't make any irrational decisions like sell the house and move because of me.

My first knock is muted, but I regain myself and knock louder. I bounce on my feet as I wait.

Maybe she thinks I'm a cop to deliver the worst news of her life. Oh no, what if she doesn't answer the door? What if that means something else, that something is wrong? That demons—

My rapid thoughts vanish the second the door begins to move. I lock eyes with Laura Routh, and my god have I ever felt so happy to see her. Tears well in my eyes.

I'm not sure if I should say something or let her have the first word.

No first word is needed; Mom takes action and pulls me in for a long hug. I keep it together though my body shakes. How I missed her touch.

If Mom hugs me any tighter, she may just kill me before I can explain myself.

"I thought you were dead!" she screeches at me.

Yup, there it is. As expected. Totally deserve that one. "I know, I know," I blubber. "I'm sorry. I swear I didn't run away."

"Y-you didn't?" She moves hair out of my face. "I thought...I wondered what I could've said to make you want to leave..."

"I'm sorry I got you in that mindset. I left for a good reason. I didn't want to, but circumstances kind of forced me to."

"Then where did you go, Willa?"

"It's an interesting story." I swallow.

"Where was your phone?"

"Lost in the disaster at Homecoming." My lips dip slightly. "And judging by that question I guess it hasn't been returned to you." My luck someone has claimed it as their own and is doing weird and criminal shit with it. "You did know about Homecoming, right?"

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