23 - Another 'Fun' Playdate

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Finn's shakeup of my routine has become my new normal. He takes me through the same halls, past the same cells, past the same doors, until I arrive at my own. I struggle with him every time until the contraption has me. From there, Finn and Hell melt away, and the bunker, Sam, and Dean come to take the spotlight. They haven't had demon eyes except for the first time I was brought in this room.

They're relentless, these tricks on my mind. There are times where I think they've cracked me and I begin to show it. I'd like to think I'm good at hiding that they've gotten to me, but I can never tell. They don't openly mock me about it.

This time is no different than the others. Finn gives me the greeting call, yanks me out, and pulls me along for the walk. I still sometimes think I see Castiel in one of the nearby cells, but every time I come back disappointed. What am I hoping for? A knight in shining white wings to swoop in to save me? What does that say about me if I want to see Cas in Hell, and not Sam and Dean?

I try not to think too much on it; I need to save my mental strength for the task ahead.

It seems that the walk to the room grows shorter every time the more I dread it. Before long, Finn escorts me to the contraption, settles me in, then he fades into the shadows. Once I blink, Hell is no longer Hell. It's morphed into the Winchester bunker, and I know who's nearby.

"How much fight do you have for us today, Willa?" asks Sam. Their feet are quiet, but his voice sounds near.

I look to the darkness above in the hopes I can be spared from seeing their faces for a little bit longer. "Won't tell you. Ruins the fun of you finding out," I say hollowly.

"Well, your fire is certainly suppressed today." Both brothers come into view. "There's not a lot of emotion behind those words. Is today the day we finally get to crack you open even more?"

"No." I avoid their eyes.

Until Sam grabs my face and forces me to only look at him. There are some features I share with him, his eyes are not one of them. "Don't lie. That's not very nice."

"I can give you the same advice, demon," I snarl. "You're not Sam Winchester. Just like he isn't Dean. Just like this isn't the bunker. This is all a mirage. Get me out of it, now."

"See, if we make exceptions for one resident, we gotta do it for all of them. Can't do that," says Dean.

It's hard to say how long they have their fun in trying to break my mind, my spirit. It can be minutes when it feels like hours. They quip back and forth to each other, like the actual brothers. Most of the words they speak are cruel, and about me. About my mom. About my life. It's hard to tune them out when there's nothing to focus on, and I'm the only one truly in pain here.

Just when I think today's the day they will push past my limit, they let up. Sweat covers my body, and the exhaustion is physical and mental.

"Get me out," I say weakly. My stomach growls, as if it needs to interject at this moment. Which it doesn't. It's so loud I'm sure all of Hell can hear it. I swear I hear the place laughing back at me. No food for you, it sounds like.

I slide down the contraption once the straps are off. The two hoist me up, and I think for a moment they plan to throw me into the air and see how I fall. Maybe they'll launch me so high I get stuck on the rocky ceiling. I may welcome it, but not the fall back down.

The bunker disappears, and Finn now comes into view. Part of me is relieved to see him. That means I can leave now...and go back to my own little slice of Hell.

"Fun playdate?" he leers.

"Go screw yourself," I retort tiredly.

"Someone needs her nap, I get it." Finn takes me from my torturers. I'm too tired to fight him as he throws me over his shoulder. Everything rushes to my brain, as though that's going to help me right now.

"Can't wait until next time!" Dean crows.

I actually shudder.

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