31 - Moving Up the Timetable

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I'd been under the impression that based on how I felt would dictate when the move against the king would happen

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I'd been under the impression that based on how I felt would dictate when the move against the king would happen. My word was the go-ahead.

Apparently, it's not, if Finn appearing at my cell is any indication. He's got backup, which makes me wary.

"Don't worry about them," Finn says, as though he's read my mind. "They're in with us on this. Time to stretch your legs, Wills."

"We had an agreement," I grumble.

"Yeah, well, I overrode that."

"Clearly." I frown. In the back of my mind, an alarm sounds. There's still time to refuse. It could still be a trap. But I've already committed to this. If I stay here, I'm never leaving.

"And how are we feeling on this fine evening?" he asks as I step out of the cell.

I feel more vulnerable than when in confinement. "I...don't know," I say honestly. I want to get out without any strings attached. I just want to be back on Earth, out of this dank place. I want to leave this all behind me once all is said and done.

"Yeah, it's a big deal for us too," Finn tells me, glancing around at his reinforcements. Well, I guess they're ours since I'm part of this revolution.

I can't believe this is my reality now. I'm aiding a demonic revolt against their king in hopes of leaving here forever. This kind of stuff exists only in books. "I think I've got just a little more riding on this than you do," I retort.

"Maybe so." He gives a nod to the other demons around us, and they start forward. "They'll help us make a clear path towards the king. Once we get into the throne room, then serious shit is going down. C'mon."

The demons who got a head start seem to have found enemies, if the noises of pain and anger are anything to go by up ahead.

"Oh, wait." Finn stops us both abruptly. "Almost forgot." He pulls out a familiar weapon.

My eyes bug. "You're serious?" I ask. The blade is Cas's. The one you murdered him with. How that must've felt for him, to be killed by his own weapon. A weapon that did his own dirty work.

My brain really needs to stay out of this right now.

"I'm sure he's been wanting to use it on the king for some time," Finn explains. "You might as well since he can't."

I hesitantly take the blade. Though it looks lightweight, it certainly doesn't feel it. That's probably your guilt weighing it down.

When we enter the fray into a dark hallway, it's hard to say who is on what side. Finn pushes me in the direction of the demons who are loyal to the king. If not for him doing so, I'd probably hurt those on our side.

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