1 - High School Life

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You know those people who say "enjoy high school while you can, because it's the best years of your life"?

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You know those people who say "enjoy high school while you can, because it's the best years of your life"?

I hate them. Immensely.

For people like me, high school isn't fun. It's full of bitches and the baggage they bring. It's of couples making out in the hallway right in front of where you need to go. It's of dumbass guys who wolf-whistle at you, even if you aren't dressed provocatively. It's of teachers sent from the Devil himself to drown your plans in homework.

Who said high school was enjoyable, again?

I'm in a trigger-happy mood, because it's that time again. Ladies definitely know what I'm talking about. I nearly blew up because of the loud bell that excused me from history class. Anyone who is so much as within spitting distance from me bothers me. So you can imagine how a morning in the Routh household went.

My mom insisted that I go to school and suck it up like a big girl. This wasn't the first time we'd butted heads on this. It wasn't worth it to argue with her, because she'd throw the same points at me. I ended our argument on a loud slam of the door.

I'll be paying for that one when I get home.

"Who pissed in your cereal this morning?"

I exhale slowly as I shut my locker door, quirking my mouth. "Pretty sure your locker is at the other end of the school," I say coldly. "If you're looking for a whore, you're in the wrong section."

"Ouch, that hurts." He dramatically puts a hand over his heart. Cole Dameron is the high school's eye candy: irresistible chocolate eyes, neatly combed dark hair. Though he's sixteen, he looks like he's almost twenty one; the facial hair solidifies that. And nothing says "attractive" more than a guy who looks older than his age.

"Oh, did I hurt that hole where your heart should be?" I sneer, slamming my locker door shut. "Look, I gotta get to class. I have better ways to spend my time."

"Really? Hiding out in the library?"

I glare at him with solid dark eyes. "Unlike you, I care about my future. I think ahead, you just think with your penis."

"Can you tone down the sass? I was gonna ask you a question."

"Whatever it is, I'm not buying."

"Not even if it's to go to Homecoming with me?"

My eyes widen, and then I burst out into laughter. He looks confused, and I nearly fall into the lockers. "Y-you're kidding, right? Me, go with you? Who'd you lose a bet to?"

"Nobody." The confidence is gone from his tone. He looks abashed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I look around. Most are too busy switching classes to notice. I pull him aside, mostly out of view. "Come on, don't mope." I tap his cheek lightly. "You know I'm saying 'yes'." I sigh, rubbing my forehead. "Remind me again why this isn't out in the open?"

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