35 - Delusions in Detox

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In the beginning, I thought detox would be okay

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In the beginning, I thought detox would be okay. Nothing had kicked me onto my ass yet.

Until I fell ill.

Imagine a usual flu, but magnified. Body aches that even medication can't subdue. A high temperature that should've sent me into a coma or killed me by now. Sprinkle in nausea.

Since I've fallen ill, the risk of me busting out of my room is minimal. Mom has primarily checked on me since I've been sick. Doing everything in her power to fend this off with me. She even helps me bathe, as sometimes that feels almost impossible to do. For the past few days I feel as though I've been walking through water, or molasses. Time moves normally around me, but I'm at a much slower pace.

Mom just left not too long ago, putting a cold compress across my forehead while I shudder under all the blankets. I feel soaked through the bone with sweat. A cold bath sounds like Heaven right now. But I know that's not for a little while yet.

"My, my. I've seen you look like shit, but this is a whole other level!"

Through my fatigued state, my body tenses. I take my time trying to sit up, keeping the cold compress across my head. Everything seems fuzzy and spins a little until my vision settles. My fingers grip tight against the cold rag, squeezing cold drops of water down my face.

"H-how did you get in here?" I whisper, horrified.

Finn leans against a wall cast in shadow. As he steps into the light, his skin is cracked, as though another beating with a sledgehammer will shatter him. His eyes still remain coal-black, a demonic trait. "I've got my ways."

I screw my eyes shut. "You're not here, not really. It's the detox."

"It is or it isn't, but I'll never say."

"It is, because I killed you."

"Yeah, you did," Finn admits, deadpan. "And you killed Cas. You might be one of the youngest to kill one of each. What an accomplishment." He mockingly claps for me. "I wonder, do they know about that yet?"

"It hasn't come up." I open my eyes and sniffle loudly.

"Mm, but it will soon. It's only a matter of time. They have a right to know. That was their friend, after all." Finn twists his face into one of disgust. "I'll never understand it. Those birds always have sticks up their asses. But not Castiel. He used to, but the Winchesters must've removed it and gave him human emotions."

"If I had known it was him, I wouldn't have done it," I murmur. "All those times I thought I saw him in Hell...he was really there, wasn't he?"

"Well, look at what you know. What does that tell you?"

"That you're just a hallucination and that you know what I know."

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