Chapter Two

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The silence in the house was killing me, early mornings were always noisy as me and mum will always crack jokes as we do chores around the house but last night’s conversation definitely gave her a mood swing and now we dust the chairs with ugly stares.

She started making breakfast and I knew for a fact that it was time for me to go bath, I fixed my shoulder-length hair in a bun and sat in the bathroom for a minute, my thoughts started running wild and I couldn’t help it, I thought of the day dad left to heaven and how hell fell upon us, turning to that page always brings me to my tears.

Mum knocked on the bathroom door to ask if I’m almost finished, in my tears I shouted, just a second and took the quickest bath I could, I was putting on my shoes when I heard my mom talking to someone, suspicious because we never receive visitors early in the morning, just then I overhear a lady asking if it’s okay for her to drive me and her son to school, definitely the new neighbor my brain responded.

"Salifyanji", my mom called, "what’s taking you so long, you wearing makeup to school today?", of course, I knew she was joking, I walked into the sitting room and my eyes couldn’t help but get fixed on Elijah's mom, she had extra baby fat that seemed to have moved to all the right places, the ample breasts and those fine hips that spread over our black sofas and cheese thighs that almost glued my eyes, it all makes a lot of sense now  I said to myself this is where Elijah got those hazel eyes, star-struck I ended up dropping my school bag.

She stood up to pick it up for me but my mom already beat her to it and was already handing me the bag, run along now she said, you don’t want to get her late for work.

A special sit was saved for me at the back of the red  range rover, right next to Elijah, saying our greetings, we all remained silent till she dropped us off at the school gate, she was running late so that’s the best she could do.

All eyes were glued on us as we made our way to our class, I couldn’t blame them though he was nice to look at and you couldn’t just take your eyes away, for the first time  I never got distracted by the blue -painted classrooms, kept my head down and was screaming under my breath just to be alone with him, we reached our classroom and found the front sits taken, so we sat at the back.

I kept getting whispers in the room about who’s he but I thankfully got saved by the teacher walking in.
Geography it was and most definitely bored to sleep.

The class was over and I was more than excited to show Elijah around but before I could, Anna moved from her front desk and slid a tiny piece of paper under my book. 

Her cherry lips had me distracted, I paid no attention to her brown eyes or her chocolate dark skin.  She turned to Elijah and asked if she can show him around,  not knowing what to say, he accepted the invite and I was left behind. 

I took the opportunity to unfold the tiny piece of paper Anna had left, it read "Have you heard the rumors going round about you? "

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