Chapter Four

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I held my breath for a while and when the time was right, I took a deep sigh. Priscilla lead me to the guidance and counseling teacher's office, which was right next to the school hall and I was more nervous than before.  Before we could enter, she gave me a pep talk saying, "Listen, Sally, I don't know the truth of the matter but deny every inch of the rumors and don't make mention of your friendship with Anna, you are classmates it ends there ".

Confused, I wanted to question and know exactly what she means, what are the rumors to start with but before I could, the door in front of us opened, and the career guidance teacher was standing in front of us, his gray suit complemented his fair skin and before I could say it verbally, he asked why we didn't knock, Priscilla with no hesitation answered, " we just got here sir".
We stepped into his office space and we were greeted by the warm and inviting atmosphere,  the shelves were filled with an array of books on various topics such as self-esteem,  stress management, and career exploration.
The room was well equipped with comfortable chairs and a cozy sofa. Priscilla asked to sit down but was quickly advised that it was best if she gets to class as he saw fit and that I remain alone with him.

The breathing challenge began, he kept flipping through the files on his table and I was contemplating what Priscilla told me,  what did she mean I deny my friendship with Anna, even if I did who would believe me, she's been my day one and if anyone is asked to mention any friend of mine, her name would be number one, the fact that I didn't know exactly what was on the ground made it even worse for me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Chileshe posing the question, " How are you,  Ms. Mulilo?", not trying to show how nervous I was, I responded with, "I'm very fine thank you, how are you? "
There was a change in his facial expression from cheerful to sad and I could tell that he means to say, he was not so good since verbally he made no answer. 

" Ms. Mulilo", he continued,  "Do you have an idea of what you have been called for? " I moved my head from side to side and I knew he knew I meant I have no idea.

" How did your father die exactly?", the question led back to that awful day but I quickly snapped out of it and said, "It is exactly as the story is told on the streets, and if you wouldn't mind I don't think I am ready to talk about my father's death, he meant the world to me and im still grieving " and there was a river of tears flowing on my face.

Emotionally touched, he respected my decision not to talk about it and questioned my friendship with Anna inquiring, "If perhaps the word that's on the streets about your father's Murder isn't true, would you confide in Anna?"

" what do you think, Mr. Chileshe that I could be responsible for my father's death? in all honesty, your thought that I  could be my father's murderer is what has cut deeper than whether or not I would tell Anna."

"I did not mean it that way," he said with ease, and my apologies for asking about it in that manner, my question is, "How much do you trust Anna?". A little upset, I said "On a scale of zero to ten, I trust her on a zero because my Dad emphasized that I trust no one, he said trust in me is all that matters "

I could tell, my answer had his wheels turning and I was wondering what rumors exactly led to me being in this office,  having such uncomfortable conversations.

" Sir, would it be wrong for me to ask you exactly what the rumors about me are?"

He chuckled for a while and said, "Why don't you go and ask Anna ".

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