Chapter Ten

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Don't start today with the broken pieces of yesterday whoever made that phrase did not have a walk in my shoes.

Remember when I said I prayed and fasted just to keep a man, I guess I lied that wasn't about me nor did it concern Elijah. It was about my mother, that woman did go to extremes just to preserve her marriage and I will always be that daughter that will risk it all, including my reputation just to hide her sins.

If you were in my shoes, would you tell on your mother? if you were in hers and happen to kill your spouse in self-defense would you turn yourself in?

Choices were never meant to be easy and more often we get stuck on a chapter because we don't know exactly which way to go and I wish I never alarmed my mom that fateful day that I saw him with another woman , anyways enough with me being weird. I'm guessing you are curious to know what happened next.

I'm a lover of burning bridges, not that I enjoy it but it saves me from the bitter taste of hurtful conversations, and cutting off people seems to be my expertise. I would walk into the classroom and act blind to Elijah and Annas' presence, I had no more business with them.

I still can't figure out who was more wrong between me and them, is it me who couldn't keep my secret or it's them who had no regard for the outgrowths of letting my cat out of the bag?

Damaged is an understatement but I was still breathing and that's all that matters, exams were drawing near and I needed distinctions on that grade twelve certificate. Friendless I was but that didn't bother me, I danced with the monsters in my head and filled my school pages with tears, patting myself on the shoulder, " You can do this ".

My grandparents had promised to help us financially, their son had left nothing for us except the house we lived in and mom not having a job made it hectic. Of course, it wasn't easy living in the very house the crime was committed but what's a girl to do when that's the only option at hand? More often we felt as if his ghost still roamed around the house but together we braved through it, cried together, laughed over it, and most importantly we missed his presence.

A year down the line and the rumors were a thing of the past, I graduated from high school with the distinctions I thought I would and I thanked the heavens for the grace.

With the help of my grandparents, we opened a local bakery, for mom always loved baking and I was her sidekick in every situation. We named the bakery after Father, bad memories you would say but what would have been better than, Marks Bakery MB for abbreviation, it was perfect.

In another life, we would have chosen differently but in this one standing by our lies was the best we could.
I was soon to leave for university, it was Daddy's dream for me to pursue medicine and I thought why not?. Mom would always imitate his husky voice, "How's my little doctor doing?" and laughter dined with us.

Every night, she always tucked me inside my bed like a little kid and whisper," Do not misplace your trust again, trust only you to keep out of trouble ".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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