Chapter Nine

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The quiet evening air inside the home was weighed down by unspoken words. Grim shadows danced on the walls as we gathered in the living room, forming an uneasy space of secrecy and fear.

Three generations sat before one another, My grandparents and the ones who knew the hidden truth - that I am the perpetrator behind the tragic death of my father.

My friends, loyal but burdened by the weight of this secret, sat anxiously opposite me and Mother. Elijah's mom was also in attendance, she sat in between her son and Anna offering them a sense of security.

Grandmother's voice trembled, betraying her age and sorrow. "Child," she pleaded, lines of worry etching her face, "we have to know the truth. Tell me you never spoke those haunting words to your friends."

Peering into the depths of her eyes, I met her gaze with feigned innocence. "Grandmother, I have never uttered such a horrific secret. I swear upon my father's memory, I would never for starters murder my father worse off  disclose it to these two, if anything I would run to you instead."

My closest friends,  so I believed, their eyes filled with compassion and sadness, softly spoke, "We're truly sorry for your loss, and we promise to support you. But we cannot deny what we heard. You confided in us, entrusting us with this unimaginable truth."

As the weight of their words crushed the air, my heart raced, caught between the denials I so desperately clung to and the immense guilt that threatened to consume me. The room became a battlefield, each word exchanged acting as a double-edged sword.

Silence enveloped us momentarily, the room pulsating with unspoken accusations, until my grandfather stood up, his voice laden with stern determination. "I raised you, and I've seen the truth behind your facade. Denying your involvement won't undo this tragedy."

Staring at my grandparents, I could see their love overshadowed by doubt and betrayal. The walls, once a sanctuary, seemed to close in around us, wrapping us in a web of secrets and deception. For a moment, I wondered if the truth would ever be free. How could I bear this monstrous secret within me, But my mother prepared me right, never show your weakness in front of your enemies, cry in secrecy but in their faces put on a show like the great real-life actress I've taught you to be. 

As the confrontation continued, denying my involvement became both my armor and my torment. I yearned for the darkness to swallow me, to erase that night from existence, but the truth lurked, threatening to shatter the fragile facade I had thrown up to protect myself.

my mom held my hand and spoke in my defense. 
" Mr. and Mrs. Mulilo, I highly respect you for you entrusted me with your son's life and I equally see you no less than my parents. But honestly, you picking outsiders' words over my daughters is heartbreaking, you visited our home when he was alive, and you lived with us do you think Sally could be capable of such, and even if she did for what motive?" she said in between sobs.

At this point, my mom's tears had shaken my grandparent's hearts, I joined her in crying as we hugged each other tightly.

Elijah's mother finally found her words, making apologies for her son's behavior and that he shouldn't raise such accusations. She looked over her shoulder and turned to Anna, "Young lady, whether or not Sally confided in you or not as a friend you are supposed to stick by her side, she's already going through a rough time over her father's death and that's enough punishment for the poor soul unless it would delight your heart seeing her behind bars ".
Anna had no words for herself, she just abruptly stood up and made her leave and none of us dared to stop her.

Elijah's head hung low as his mother continued, " I believe this is a family issue and my son and I shall not intervene anymore and Sally's mother shall no longer work for me, and any balances concerning payments shall be offset. Once more im deeply sorry for your loss and Sally next time if it's a secret please kept it to yourself, once it leaves your lips it's no longer one."

Four pairs of eyes, teary watched Elijah and his mom slowly make their exit. Grandmother came to sit next to me and Mom giving us a great big hug, the boundaries between loyalty and self-preservation were blurred, and fathers death left scars that may never heal.

Grandpa had lit a candle in memory of father, we all bitterly cried as we embraced his memory.

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